Chapter 30~ No Tears

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You never really forget about bad things like someone dying, you just kind of deal with it so that it doesn’t hurt as much. So, that’s what I was doing for the past few days. I had already gone through it once, so getting past it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The initial shock of it was the thing that really got to me. Now that it was gone, though, I had a chance to sit back and kind of process everything so that it wouldn’t hurt as much.

Annalise had been by my side when I needed her, and she had even cancelled plans with Liam on the day after she had come home to me crying. It was nice to have her with me because she gave me something to focus on other than my grandmother’s death. She was admittedly babying me, but I didn’t really mind all that much. It just felt nice to have her around.

Once she had been assured that I was pretty much back to normal, things started to fall back to what they were like before. No more cuddling, no more staying up to watch comedies to make me laugh, and no more late night binges on the candy of my choice. She started to leave for dinner dates with Liam again and I went back to trying not to care. It was harder this time than before.

We had done another gig which went so unbelievably well. All of the boys were beyond excited to play at their schools and see where everything took us next. Even I found myself giddy when I thought about how everything was falling into place and we would soon be at the top again. It was a very comforting thought, and when I got too sad I would just think back to that.

Today was another rainy day (it had been raining for practically the whole week and the weather was starting to wear down on everyone) and Annalise was going to leave me in the hotel again so that she and Liam could have dinner. They never went out for lunch or breakfast which I found quite odd; it was always just dinner. As she busied herself with getting ready for the date, I looked out the lone window in our hotel room.

With only one light on in the room, it was pretty gloomy looking inside (not that it was any better outside). The overcast from the sky mixed with the pitter patter of rain hitting the window constantly and set an overall depressing mood. The building across the street looked too dark compared to what it usually looked like. Like I said, this weather was wearing down on everybody. We’d be lucky if the sun came out for even a fraction of a second tomorrow.

“Louis, I’m thinking of shaving my head,” Annalise’s words cut through my mind and my head snapped in her direction. She wore an amused expression while she regarded me, and she shook her head when our eyes met. “Are you okay? I asked you a question five minutes ago and you never answered.”

“Oh,” I drawled out once I heard her words, and I gave her a smile, “I’m okay, just thinking.” She nodded, coming over to my bed and pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. I liked her little gestures; they were very comforting in their own small ways. Some guys might say that it wasn’t the manly thing to do, that I shouldn’t be letting her do those small things like kiss my forehead, but they’d obviously never had Annalise performing the gestures. They’d think differently if they had.

“Don’t burn down the hotel while I’m gone, okay?” she let out the words with a laugh that made my smile widen. God, I loved her laugh. It sounded really nice whenever I have had a long day.

“Only because you asked nicely,” I replied jokingly, and she shot me a playful glare while she straightened up. She was looking nice tonight (she looked nice every night to be completely honest) and I was feeling particularly envious of Liam. Don’t get me wrong, I had made a promise and I intended on keeping that promise, but I didn’t have to always be happy about it. Tonight was a night where I wasn’t happy with it at all. Annalise looked wonderful, and I could tell her that as many times as I wanted, but I couldn’t do anything. Liam could kiss her, and hug her, and reassure her that she looked absolutely breath taking in that dress that she was wearing. I, however, could only just admire her. It was torturous.

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