Chapter 43~ Big Spoons and Little Spoons

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***Annalise's P.O.V.***

"Annalise, I don't feel good," Louis' voice spoke up from his bed on the other side of the room. With a sigh, I turned on my phone in order to check and see what time it was. The room was dark, but the curtains weren't drawn so it could've been three in the afternoon already. The clock said that it was only six in the morning, though, and that was a little too early for my taste. After shutting off my phone again, I turned on my left side and clicked on the bedside light so that I could see Louis.

"Don't feel good as in you're going to throw up, or your head hurts?" I wondered. If it was the first then I would have to go into the bathroom to get the trash bin, but I was hoping for the second. He looked pale, though, and that was a clue to whatever ailment he had. Honestly, he looked miserable. His expression was one of a cringe and a look of disgust mixed together.

"My stomach really... hurts," he let out the word through chattering teeth. He was shivering in his spot, but there was the glimmer on his forehead that signified that he was sweating. By the looks of it, he was practically giving off enough sweat to fill a few buckets. Wasting no time, I pushed off my covers and made my way over to the hotel room bathroom to fetch the trash bin. "Annalise," Louis groaned from the room which only encouraged me to speed up my actions. As quickly as I could, I got over to him and saw him holding his hand over his mouth as his cheeks puffed slightly. Great; this was fantastic.

He didn't even have a chance to grab he bin from me before he was leaning towards it and heaving. I closed my eyes so that I wouldn't have to watch him puking his guts out, but I couldn't block out the sound of his awful hacking. Without even having to look, I could tell that my hands were shaking. That disgusting feeling of bile rising up in the back of my throat decided to make an appearance, and-just as Louis was finishing up his puking-I shoved the bin towards him and hurried back into the bathroom. Vomit burned the back of my throat, and I bent over the toilet when it finally made its way out.

"Annalise?" Louis' strained voice called from the bedroom, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I answered once I was sure that my own fit of puking was over with. I didn't feel sick or anything; I just didn't have the strongest stomach when it came to things like that. Hearing Louis puking just set me off, but I would be fine after puking once. So, I wiped my mouth so that there was no excess, and then flushed the toilet with a small groan. After I had washed my hands and splashed some water on my face, I walked back out to Louis who regarded me with tired and worried eyes. I gave him a smile to reassure him that I was okay, and I sat on the edge of his bed. He was clutching the trash bin to his chest as if it was the only thing that was keeping him alive. "How about you? Are you feeling better after puking?" I wondered while scooting closer to him so that I could look more closely at him.

"Not really," he replied truthfully. Just after the words left his mouth, he abruptly stopped before he could continue, and he was emptying the contents of his stomach into the trash bin once again. I looked away and tried not to focus on the sound until he was finish. He was panting once he was done, and he gave a heavy sigh once he finally caught his breath. Letting his head rest on the head board of his bed heavily, he turned his head so that he could look at me with miserable eyes.

"Aw, poor guy," I cooed which only made him jut out his bottom lip at me. He coughed a few times after the simple action, but he didn't puke afterwards which was good. I was trying to figure out what he could possibly be sick with. It was completely possible that it was the flu or something like that, but the symptoms could have been anything from minor to very serious. I put the back of my hand to his forehead only to quickly pull it away. He was burning up, and it was as if I was touching a furnace. "Fuck, you're hot," I mumbled out with a deep frown.

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