Chapter 35~ Indecent Exposure

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"Annalise! Thank God you're back; if I have to listen to Dora ask me where the damn tree is one more time, I think I might explode," I exclaimed as soon as she had walked through the door of the hotel room. She had been out for breakfast with Liam (yes, I was surprised too; they actually had a meal together that wasn't dinner) and I had been too tired to get out of bed. This was the first day that she had been off of her period and I was beyond relieved because she ran me ragged yesterday. That's why I had slept in today, and-as much as I loved to cuddle with Annalise and would find any excuse to do just that-I was kind of happy to have the bed all to myself. It was nice to spread out for the night even though the bed did feel a little empty.

"Why didn't you just get up and turn the TV off?" she questioned as she chucked her jacket onto her bed and placed a hand on her hip as she looked at me.

"It's so far away," I shrugged, and then I reached over to my bag of Skittles that was laying on the bed side table, but I was soon reminded that I had ran out of them about an hour ago. I can't tell you how many times I had instinctively reached over to grab one just to find out that I didn't have anymore. I was too comfy to get up and go down to the vending machine that had been restocked, so I just huffed and dropped my hand.

"You are lazy," she told me even though there was a smile on her lips and her words held a bountiful amount of amusement.

"Thank you."

"It wasn't supposed to be a compliment," she pointed out while heading over to her dresser to pull a pair of pants so that she wouldn't have to stay in the skirt she was wearing. When she walked back to her bed and started to change behind it, I gave her extra privacy by keeping my eyes on the TV. This was how the nights usually were, but in this case it was happening in the morning instead.

"I took it as one," I replied and then shoved my face into my pillow with a slight groan. I was stuck with the feeling of wanting to go back to bed but being completely rested and not being able to. It was a horrid feeling.

"Where's the giant talking tree?"

"Annalise, I am begging you," I let out a faux sob and I made sure to muffle it with the pillow as if I was trying to suffocate myself with it.

"Okay, okay," she sighed before switching it to another channel and then coming to sit beside me on my bed. She placed her hand on the small of my back, though, she almost missed it and would've touched my bum on accident because I was still covered by my blanket. "Louis, you need to get out of bed," she poked my side gently as she said the words, and then put her hand flat on my back again. I only groaned in response and hugged the pillow closer to my face. "Please, Louis," she begged and I lifted my head off of the pillow to look at her. She was giving me one of her pouts that meant that she wanted something from me; she had used it a lot in the past few days. "Please," the word was dragged out as long as it possibly could be.

"Fine," I drawled out with a huff, and she practically jumped off of my bed before waiting for me to get up. I made sure to be as slow as I possibly could be, and I pulled the sheets off of myself with a small grunt. The cold air of the room suddenly hit me, and I wanted to get back under the covers along with Annalise just so that I'd get some extra warmth. All I wanted to do was stay in bed all day but it didn't seem like that would be an option today.

"Get dressed," she instructed as she went to her own dresser to pull out one of her jackets.

"Gosh, so commanding," I rolled my eyes playfully and she gave me a false glare before turning back to her stuffed drawers.

"C'mon, Louis," she insisted.

"Why do we have to go out, though?" I questioned as I leaned up against my dresser but refused to open it and get any of my clothes out.

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