60- Damn Him For Abandoning His Playerish Ways

Start from the beginning

What was I talking about?

He gave me a look showing his disbelief. Before he could open his mouth to reply, the host for the reception spoke up, letting us know the couple was making their grand entrance.

I inwardly let out a sigh of relief and turned to watch the beautiful bride and handsome groom enter.

Natalie was glowing in her wedding gown. It was the same one from the ceremony. She claimed it was comfortable enough to wear the entire night. On her arm was Ethan, who looked just as dashing. Both were grinning like goofs as they walked in and made their way to the special table set up just for them.

I subconsciously smiled at the two lovebirds as they whispered in each other's ears. I hadn't been to many weddings, the ones I had been to were when I was much younger, but this set the bar. Not from decor or number of guests, but the amount of love radiating from the two.

Speaking of lovebirds! My neck craned as I searched the hall for Damien. I desperately needed to see which lovely lady he brought as his date. Unfortunately, the crowd was blocking my view as they admired the main spectacle of the night.

The bride and groom were introduced as a married couple for the first time. "May you join me in welcoming Mister and Misses Ethan Hall!" The guests went wild and cheered. It was safe to say that Ethan's family was just as wild as the Cullens.

Dean wasn't done with our conversation though. His hand found my knee and squeezed tightly, forcing my attention on him.

In a voice so low only the two of us could hear, he said, "Arabella, we promised we'd openly communicate for this to work."

Aw, for fuck's sake!

He had me there. But then, this wasn't even about my embarrassment. This was a little deeper. Although I hadn't been particularly hiding the events that took place with Ben, I also didn't tell him. I would've, if he asked, but he seemed to stray from the topic as much as possible.

Damn him! He was guilting me and didn't even know it.

"You're... you're right," I sighed. "Just, not here."

He narrowed his eyes at me, silently judging whether this was another attempt to brush off the topic. It wasn't! I was planning on telling him, just not in front of an audience. Who knew how he'd react?

The food was placed on our tables in an instant and we began eating. Ashley and I were talking about how beautiful the wedding was. Ashton kept flirting with random members of the Hall family and talking about how beautiful the girls were. Dean didn't dare partake in that conversation knowing I had a very sharp elbow armed and ready.

"So, any bridesmaid gossip?" Ashley asked, leaning in.

My eyes wandered to the three people in my audience, then the bridesmaids conglomerating and talking. Hm... now that the wedding was over, it was okay to discuss everything, right? It's not like they'd go around and spread the gossip.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone."

They all nodded and I sat back in my chair, throwing all caution to the wind. What could I say? I was a high schooler after all.

"Lots of stuff happened. I think the most scandalous thing of all was the fact that Julie, Natalie's best friend from her childhood, wanted to be the maid of honor. She never straight-up told anyone, she just made passive-aggressive comments, but it almost slipped drunkenly the night of the bachelorette party!"

"No way!" Ashley gasped. "Poor thing though. If my BFF chose someone else as her maid of honor I'd be crushed."

I nodded in agreement and continued. "Truly. Luckily she didn't try to sabotage Jessica or the wedding. That would've been bad."

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