Chapter 36- Surprise

Start from the beginning

Mia North and I needed to settle whatever the hell this was!


Finding ways to come out of situations had never been a challenge for me. No situation was ever a problem for me. But here I was completely thrown off course by a woman. I hadn't even let my guard down. Never had a reason to. Maybe I should have never underestimated her from the onset. Maybe this was karma teaching me a lesson for how I regarded her.

It was seven now. I stayed in my office an additional hour before stepping out. The evening was dark, lit only by the brilliance of the stars and it was getting to me. Mia would be home by now. I'd driven my unready self to her apartment with the motive of wanting to speak to her when I had absolutely nothing stored in my brain.

I raked my hands through my hair, puffed out a breath then pressed on the doorbell.

"Alaric." Her hazel eyes radiated consternation and uneasiness. I was thankful for that. At least, I wasn't the only one.

"You can't be here." She said in a deadpan voice then resorted to massaging her forehead.

"Mia, we need to talk about what happened."

She shut her eyes and grimaced like it was a bad memory.

Was it for her?

"There's nothing to talk about Alaric. It was just sex. It's nothing new for you and it certainly isn't for me." She spat out. It spiralled my thoughts to ponder over the possibilities of what had ensued between her and Alan. It was easy to point out that she was battling with her emotions but to say that it meant nothing made me feel pathetic.

"So please just go before Jay__"

"Alaric." Jay emerged from backyard. Mia cursed under her breath and motioned for me to enter. She didn't want Jay to know what was transpiring between us.

"Hey." I high fived him.

"Let's go to the backyard and play a game." For the first time I wanted Jay out lf the apartment. I had to fake a positive energy and succumb to his bidding. He brought out a chessboard and I let him take all the win. My head wasn't in the game that day.

"Checkmate." I thought you said you were good at this Alaric. "It must suck to fail on so many different levels." When he said that, I realised we had played a lot. None of which I paid attention for my mind was centred on a brunette just few feet away from me.

"Oh really. I'm just letting you win. I'm a pro at chess board Jay. Final round I'll win fair and square." I pounded my fist into my right hand.

"Okay it's on then." He sat upright like that would have any effect on the game and I smiled.

"Start, chief." I said, my mind still focused elsewhere.

"I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a jiffy. Don't try and switch positions. I've set spies to watch you." He did an I've got my eye on you signal and disappeared. I blew out a breath and jumped onto my feet. From the backyard, you could see the living room.

"Mia, can you stay with Alaric and make sure he doesn't cheat. I'm going to the bathroom." Jay tapped her sister who seemed to be so engrossed on her phone. Was she texting Alan?

The thought made me uncomfortable.

"I'm not your bodyguard, and if you don't trust him, you shouldn't even play with him in the first place. She stormed out on him." I wasn't surprised on Mia taking out her anger on Jay. It was all my fault. She clearly didn't want me in her house.

"Wow. You do know that you have a problem with him and not me right. It's a favour I asked of you. If you won't, whatever." He said, whirled around but halted. He came back and whispered into her ears. that made Mia dart the magazine on their table at him but still got up.

She came out in obvious fury and plopped at any convenient place away from me, not bearing eye contact with me even once.

"You trying to avoid me won't change the fact that we slept together, Mia. The more you push the thought away, the more it will haunt you." I said from a distance.

She rolled her eyes then stomped to her feet. "The thought of that doesn't haunt me. It was a mistake, and I'm over that. The only thing that seems to be always haunting me is you. Like just leave me alone. What do you want?"

To push you up against the wall and kiss you senseless.

"I love Alan okay. So please just leave me alone." She begged.

I hated her declaration of love for Alan. It made the hairs on my neck stand. "Are you sure about that Mia or is it something you like to hear yourself say."

"If you think I have any form of feelings for you. You're wrong. That would never happen." She said through gritted teeth.

I had every urge to remind her of what happened at my apartment. Every little detail of it. Instead, I lounged forward, aware of how she was weakened by my touch. I could touch her, kiss her now and my point would be proven.

At my nearness, she lurched back and tripped. I caught her waist before she became one with the floor. I pressed her into me, slight shivers scarpering out of her. I brushed my cheek against hers. "Why are you running Mia. Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of what can happen right now?"

God I longed for her. Every touch, every contact felt so good. It was the kind of good that ruined you for everyone else.

"Alaric, please." She trembled but I refused to let go of her. I couldn't.

"What is going on here?"

Mia jumped out of my arms at the tone of the baritone voice.

"I can't believe this." The voice morphed into a disappointing whisper.

I spun to discover the aghast expression on my brother's face.

Wait, Alan's back? Yayyy or nayy. I feel this is the worst time he could show his face. Trouble's in paradise now.

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 Until next time guys, byee

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