Episode 5- First day

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The streets blare with the catchy melody of a foreign pop song. It causes a tantrum in my ears but to most of the locals, they sway with the sound of the music. I can't identify the source of the music, but from the looks of things, its not from just a single joint but multiple places. What's witnessed is individuals rubbing bodies against each other to the fine tune.

So yes, let's not pay any heed to the music. They're obviously celebrating to God knows What which I think is fun. I should be celebrating too since I successfully landed a job at Starvnos House of Publishers. The excitement which gropes me is on a whole new different level. One I'll never simply fathom. Yes, Im now ready to declare this to Papa. I remember when I entered the basement. Jay rushed to me, eyes filled with questions and uncertainty. Ones which abstractly demanded a positive answer. I put on a charade, that I wasn't hired, then bursted into laughter as I shouted to him that yes I'd been employed.

A genuine delight sparked in his whole body as I pulled him into a hug. Apparently, he has a list of things he needs now that I've a job.

A new house.

A new bag.

New clothes.

New bed.

I had to shut him up with his derisory lists, reminding him Papa was our first responsibility. We attend to his health first before we can acknowledge the extraneous needs. For now, he only gets to receive the petty things he needs like the bag and clothes.

But first things first.

I tread with the twilight sun to the hospital to tell Papa the good news. I skip by the library only to stumble upon the dilipitation of the building. The entire edifice is torn down to something  only to be made out after full renovation. My face turns dour as I reminisce the time I worked in the library. Mr Powell would come by on some days and offer treats to every worker. The sporadic parties, the environment. I miss the name the incorrigible teenagers bestowed onto me because I always scolded them to keep quiet. A library's after all the citadel of silence. By the way they called me freckled face. My mind ponder over to Erica and Mr Powell. I think about how they're  holding up to the unfortunate circumstances. Hopefully, they're doing well.

The insides of the hospital greet me with the sweet scented mixture of rose, mint and lavender. I say hi to the few nurses I have come to be acquainted with. I peek at Papa's ward. He's upright on the bed as a nurse warmly speaks to him.

"Mia!" He radiates with joy upon my sight. I haven't come to him the entire day due the job interview.

"Papa." I rake my hand through my hair "I'm so sorry I haven't been here the entire day."

"Oh don't worry sweetheart. Amber here has been keeping me company."

"Thank you very much." I tap her shoulders and give her an appreciative smile.

"It's my duty. I'll you two alone now." She smiles at Papa and nods at me as she leaves the ward.

"How are you feeling today?" I ask.

"Milder today. Where's Jay? I thought he'd be coming with you?"

"He wanted too but he had to stay behind and complete a few assignments. By the way Papa, I have something amazing to tell you."

His eyes flashes open. A tint of surprise and suspicion rain in them. "What is it? You've found your true love yet?"

"Papa!" I shriek loudly. "No." I stare down at him as he giggles. Even like this, his sense of humor is pristine.

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