Chapter 33- Concern

Comenzar desde el principio

I crossed my arms over my chest then stepped aside, permitting him to enter. When shutting the door, I spotted his bodyguard Andrews standing by the car. I stared his way hoping he'd glance back so that I could usher him inside but the dude gave me the vibes of Frankenstein and not your friendly neighbour, Casper the ghost.

"Yes this is great. We can play the monopoly now. A game played amongst the resilient league of cullies." Jay said in the most fakest acting tone I'd ever heard.

I figured with Alaric in our midst he wouldn't need me. If I had known the evening would come to this, I would have given Jay a run for his money. I grabbed my phone from the couch I was seated on earlier then turned towards my room leaving the league of cullies alone.

"Won't you join us?" I spun and stared at the face of the voice that just suggested that. His eyes pierced into mine and I was waiting for it to alter into its usual wicked glints, but it remained warm with no tint of snarkiness.

"No, thank you." I answered abruptly, flipped my hair in the most remote way and climbed the stairs. I spun to take a quick glance at them but found his eyes glued on me. Weird.

I was now in my room and I knew the path my brain would toil on. To prevent that, I dialled Alan's number and called him. What better way to peel off the piercing eyes of someone you didn't fancy, than to call your boyfriend.

The only one whose voice and sweet words were the antidote to this new disease of mine.

I heard that your thoughts and your utterances determined how your life turned out in the long run. So if I kept saying to myself that I loved Alan and he was the only one I solely wished for, he'll definitely be all about me.

I was on the phone with Alan for more than an hour. It was more than enough time for Alaric to take his leave.

The clouds were darkening, signalling that a heavy rain pour was pending.

I sauntered to the bathroom to take a quick piss and I must say I was impressed with myself at the level of strength and confidence I showed in the Alaric's presence.

I always thought it would be so hard the next time we met, but see, here I was hiding in my room like a real warrior. Way to go Mia. If I kept doing this, I'd have to move in with Jane to avoid him.

It wasn't that bad. I mean I could give myself some credit. I didn't faint when I saw him at the front door. Yes, my stomach churned. I gazed at his moist lips, the desirable way his loosened hair was gliding all over his face. That made me want to brush my fingers through it. The dark chest hairs that peaked out of his unbuttoned shirt. The way his eyes...

Stop it.

Think of Alan.

His warmth. His compassion. His benevolence. His humility.

Think about it.

I shut my eyes firmly and let my mind delve into the exceptional virtue of Alan when suddenly__



It was Jay. My heart raced at the loud screams. Oh my God, was it Papa? I hastily came out of my room and glanced down at the living room before I descended the stairs.

"We need to send him to the hospital." Jay cried, pure terror on face.

"What happened?"A wild wave of uncertainty and panic washed over at the sight of Alaric's motionless body on the floor.

"I don't know. We were just playing...." Jay started to sob as he bent over Alaric.

"Mia, now's not the time to ask question. Call the ambulance." Papa said, his eyes froze open.

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