Chapter Nine

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I was outside late in the night training my Guardian powers when I sensed Michelle.

"What's on your mind, Kitty Cat?" I asked and she jumped down from her tree.

"How long are we going to stay here and train lightly?"

"Another day or two, then we have to take an airship to go to a friend of mine where all of our gear and outfits will be upgraded. That's where you will get even more training from a friend of mine,"

"Why just me?"

"It's not just you it's for all four of you, but this friend is just like you, she specializes in the hand to hand approach. She's one of the best," I said and she nodded.

"Alright. Can I upgrade my weights?"

"You used to the ones you have on now?"

"Ya. I even trained some without them. I can see the difference already," she said and I nodded.

"Alright. First thing in the morning," I said and she nodded.

"Training yourself?"

"Ya. I wasn't just a team leader, for my team. I have three others that depend on me to help lead them. I can't be weak as it'll end badly. She doesn't count as she stole it," I said and Michelle nodded.

"That makes sense. When your eyes glow, does it hurt?"

"No, it's oddly a sense of comfort," I said.

"Does it burn others?"

"The eyes? No,"

"Have you ever thought about projecting your healing out?"

"I have and over the years, I've tried but it doesn't work. I tried that day," I said and Michelle nodded.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could have gotten to know them. From the banter I saw and the stories I hear. It would have been really fun. Two Team SWORD's, we'd be a force to reckon with," She said and I cracked a smile.

"I'll say. It's why training is going to be hell once you lot are upgraded because I'm going to throw your asses through the wringer,"

"Bring it on," Michelle said and I laughed some before I looked at her.

"What will you do if you see him again?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Honestly? I want him dead. He's hurt to many people and I almost lost not only my arm but life if Malia hadn't stepped in and sent him flying with one of her spells. I only got away because of her," She said as she hugged herself.

"Remember your not alone,"

"Tell yourself that as well. We know the truth and that day. We haven't experienced that ourselves but seeing it does leave a mark,"

"I know," I said and she nodded before she was silent for a moment.

"It's Aurora, isn't it? She's the reincarnation of Vivian's oldest child, Dawn? It's why your training and why you're going to make training hell for us?" She asked.

"I'm almost positive is it, yes, and that terrifies me. It's part of why I'm going to make training hell. I've got some research to do on something before I can be sure," I said and Michelle nodded.

"Can I ask you something, that's really personal?"


"Have you ever wanted to find your parents, to ask them why they abandoned you?"


"Then, why haven't you? You obviously have the skills to do so and the resources," she said and I tilted my eyes up.

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