Chapter Five

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I woke up to my phone going off and a grumble of annoyance that I wasn't sure was mine or Michelle's. I grabbed my phone and put it to my ear.


"Peter! Thank the Gods! Your sister and her team can't be found and they are needed at the stadium!" Valk said and I pulled my phone away from my ear some to see the time where I widened my eyes some.

"Relax. I'm with them and we're safe. We'll be there soon," I said before I hung up.

"Oi! Wake up!" I said loudly and everyone woke up with grumbles.

"We all overslept. You four need to hurry up and get ready before heading to the stadium!" I said and that made the four of them look at each other with wide eyes before they left but Michelle lingered behind for a moment.

"Thank you for last night," She said.

"If you ever need an ear or a shoulder, I'm here," I said and she nodded before she reached up and pulled the bow off with a much more determined look in her eyes which made me smile in pride.

"I'm done hiding," She said and I nodded before she walked over and sat the ribbon in my hand.

"Will you be at the stadium?" she asked and I nodded which made her smile softly which made my heart skip a few beats. Not to much long later, I was at the stadium where Valk pulled me to the side.

"Where the hell were you five?"


"They aren't supposed to leave their dorms at night,"

"Never stopped my team in the past. We never left school grounds I can tell you that. If you truly want to know, I'll tell you but not here and not now," I said and she nodded before she let me go and I walked towards the stands where I sat close to the front. I was bored from the first couple of fights until I saw Michelle and Indigo walkout. They saw me and nodded. I smiled some and nodded back.

"There he is," I heard and a moment later a microphone was shoved into my face.

"Peter, can I ask you some questions?"

"Uh sure," I said.

"Are there any Teams you are rooting for this Tournament?"

"Yes, one,"


"My sister's team. Team SWORD," I said and the reporter looked at me in shock.

"Team SWORD has a large shadow to come out of,"

"And they will. The four of them have already made many accomplishments with more to come,"

"Are you training them?"


"What about your duties as a Hunter?"

"They know when I'm not on a mission I'm going to train them," I said.

"Why did you punch General Williams yesterday?"

"He thought when I called to warn about the upcoming Ghoul attack, was a joke. He also didn't take kindly when I told him his men needed work on their reaction time. The Hunters and Huntress in training reacted quicker and better than his men did," I said and I felt some of the students around me perk up in pride at that.

"What is your standing on the Williams family?"

"The only Williams I don't hate is Malia Williams as the rest of prestigious bastards who can't handle being told no or take criticism. I have worse words I could describe the General and Commander but I doubt your boss would approve of them. Also, unlike her father and sister, when I give Malia criticism she won't lash out or stick her nose in the air, saying I'm wrong. I know her teammates and her stay here has helped her realize she cannot be a spoiled brat. She's improved more here than she ever would if she had stayed with her family. Yesterday was proof to not only herself but to her family. I gave her tips after criticism and she thanked me. Show's her families true colors," I said and the reported nodded.

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