Chapter One

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I silently cursed as I forced myself to fly faster in my changed form until I saw the three Rogues attacking Ariel, a Guardian who had been on the move since she received Death Threats from someone unknown that we believed was working with Ulric the Leader of the Ghouls. I shifted back and sped forward cutting the black liquid that was sucking the Guardian power out of her and carefully laid her down and attacked the three Rogues making sure to memorize their scents as I couldn't see their features as one of them had a power that was masking what they looked like until they just vanished. I cursed some before I collapsed my sword and placed it on my lower back in favor of running to Ariel.

"She didn't take all of it," She got out weakly and I nodded before I did some basic first aid because she was covered in cuts and other injuries.

"Did you see any of their faces at all?" I asked and she gave me a weak shake of her head and I managed not to sigh in disappointment.

"I'll get you to safety. Rest. Don't think about her. Think about the next, true Guardian. If it comes down to it and you cannot find the next Guardian. Think of me and I will find the next Guardian for you," I said as I finished the last of her bandages.

"Okay. I trust you," She said softly before she finally blackout, caving into the injuries she sustained. I carefully picked her up and started running to the closest town where she got better medical treatment from the Doctor that was there as we waited for the airship to arrive.

"Take her to Silver Valley Academy immediately. I'll call ahead so no one stops you. No stopping at all. They'll take care of the rest when you get there," I said.

"Right away, Sir," the airship crew said before they made quick work of getting Ariel ready for transport and taking off. I pulled out my phone and immediately called Valk.

"I got her alive but her attackers took half. She's on her way to you now," I said and Valk sighed.

"Thank you for getting her out alive. When will you be coming back?" Valk asked and I looked up at the sky.

"A month or so. Keep me updated on everything. I'm going to do some more hunting out here and investigate some more,"

"Alright. Please be safe, I need you more than ever since I no longer have my second Raven Wolf,"

"I will do my best,"

"Before I forget. Your sister was just accepted into my school," She said and I stopped for a moment.

"How'd she do on the exams?" I asked.

"You trained her well. She was able to kill the Ghouls we use in the exams without a problem. She showed amazing leadership skills and was able to get three other girls to work with her to kill the big Ghoul, that hasn't been killed since your mother brought it in. Her grades aren't anything near what yours were but she's smart. She needs to work on her hand to hand without her weapon but she's good. I made her team leader," She said and I let a soft smile form on my face.

"What's the team name?" I asked.

"Well, it was going to be just the initials of their names, AIMM but your sister must have told her new friends about your old team because they asked if it was possible to be the new SWORD," Valk said and I blinked at that.

"Did you give them your approval?"

"I told them, I'd have to think about it,"

"Hm. Let me call you back. Send me my sister's number so I can double-check if it's still the same,"

"Of course," Valk said before I hung up. A few seconds later, she messaged me and I nodded when I saw that it was the same number so I called my little sister. She didn't take to long to pick up.

"Big bro!" She said and I smiled at her enthusiasm.

"Hello, little Light. I heard you got accepted into Silver Valley," I said and she started to ramble how she wanted to tell me but couldn't remember if my number was the same because of my missions and the like making me let out a soft laugh.

"It's okay. Good job. I'm proud of you," I said and I heard her breath hitch.

"Don't cry, little Light,"

"Hm. Happy," She said and I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"I heard you were made team leader and you wanted to be named after my old team,"

"Ya, I've always looked up to you and your team. Your team was a SWORD always pointed at the enemy but always able to defend. I don't know my new teammates all that well, but you always told me that our family always trusted our instincts when it comes to people. I know, my team and I will be just like that SWORD and more," She said and I muted her for a moment to sigh.

"Being the SWORD isn't always easy. Being the SWORD means more dangerous missions that don't always mean everyone will come back alive. Whether it's your team or not," I said after I unmuted her.

"We know that. She's not the only one that looked up to your team. Your team is a legend at Silver Valley," A new voice said.

"Your team was the quickest to graduate,"

"And your team has the most missions completed with the lowest number of loses," two others chimed in and I tightened my grip on my phone some.

"We are young yes but we're not going to back down when it gets tough. The Ghouls won't. Life won't. Yes, if we are named after your old team, we will be living in the shadows for a while, but we'll shine brighter than you and your team ever did," Aurora said and for a moment, I swear I saw her mother appear in front of me because of how she sounded. I waited a moment before I nodded.

"Alright. I'll inform, Valk I approve but you'll be fighting with a large weight on your shoulders from what my team and I did. It's not going to be easy,"

"We're up for the challenge," Aurora said and I smiled at that.

"Alright. Keep up the good work. After all, you have my old team and I's reputation to live up to and then some. I'm going to send you something that'll help. Question, is there a teacher named, Calavera?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" Aurora said and I smiled some.

"Just curious. She hated me when I went through,"

"Did you give her a reason to?" Aurora asked.

"Not at first," I said before I heard growling.

"Anyway. I'm going to let you go now. I am proud of you,"

"Okay. Be safe, Big brother,"

"I will, little Light. Love you,"

"Love you too," She said and I hung up before I started running towards the growling where I made quick work of killing the Ghouls that had shown up.

"Thank you for killing the Ghouls," A few townsfolk said as I walked back into town.

"It's my job. I'm just glad no one was hurt," I said.

"How can we repay you?"

"A warm bed and a meal will be just fine. I don't accept any money," I said and they nodded before I was pointed to a small inn where I was given a room. I sighed in relief as I plopped down onto the bed after weeks of just sleeping in the trees as a bird or on the ground as a wolf. I was given a robe to change into while my clothes were carefully washed giving me time to call Valk back.

"I approve. Oh and go ahead and give me a rough draft of her teammates. I just want the basics before I officially meet them when I go back,"

"I figured you'd say that so I was already getting ready to send you the basics of their files. I'll go ahead and start the paperwork for their name change as well. Be safe out there," Valk said before she ended the call.

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