Chapter Two

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Two months later, I sighed in relief as I fell onto another bed after non-stop hunting and investigating when I turned my phone back on after getting a new charger. I scrolled through my texts since I told Aurora to basically send me a few a day even though I might not respond and she did. I snickered at a few angry ones from Calavera since Aurora and her team started a major food fight with another team she's friends with which kinda destroyed the cafeteria.

"Great job on the food fight. Did you win?" I asked once she picked up the phone since I called her.

"Ya. It was fun even though we got into trouble,"

"Perfect way to introduce the new SWORD if you ask me," I said and she snorted.

"Did you like my gifts?"

"Ya, they are useful even if draining with everything else we do but we're not backing down,"

"Good to hear that. Anything exciting happen other than your food fight?"

"Well, a lot of stores are being robbed but the money is still there,"

"Odd, do you know what is being stolen?" I asked.

"From what I've managed to put together. It's the Crystals,"

"Hm. Happen to know who is behind the robberies?" I asked.

"Well, sorta. The police think its someone named Merc," She said and I hummed in response.

"I can smell the hesitation from here," I said and she sighed.

"I need to ask her if I can tell you," She said and I rolled my eyes.

"If it's about the Hybrid on your team. I already know. Her cat ears are under her bow,"

"How'd you-"

"I have access to a lot of shit. Some that I shouldn't but shh," I said and she was quiet for a moment.

"I heard that eye roll young later," I said and she blew a raspberry making me snicker.

"Well, since you already know. She explained how she used to be at every rally and then some before she left after she realized what the new leader was like. Said what they were doing wasn't right and how it shouldn't be done like the way it is as it's making everything worse rather than better,"

"I get it. Now, what's up?"

"Well, it is Merc but what we don't understand is why Nighthands are working with a Human. We tracked them down to the cargo hold and managed to mostly stop Merc and the Nighthands from stealing every container of Crystals. They only managed to get away with one instead of all six,"

"Well, as it is the first time you stopped someone, that is impressive. Better then I did before I joined my team actually,"

"Really? What happened?"

"That's a story for a different time,"


"Promise," I said and I knew she was smiling.

"We're gearing up for the big tournament. The Four School one," She said. Shit that is coming up. I thought as I muted her as she talked about the training and all that until she had to go eat dinner.

"Alright. I'm going to do my best to get there before the first day but I make no promises but I will be there for sure before the end," I said.

"You don't have to push yourself, Peter,"

"I'm not. It'll be a break from everything I've been doing,"

"Alright. I'll keep texting you updates,"

"You better," I said and she giggled.

"Alright. I love you, Little Light,"

"I love you too, Big Bro," She said and I smiled softly before I hung up and continued to read over the messages I haven't read and then some until I called it a night.

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