Finale (Part 100)

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-This is the end-

"I have a warrent, open up!"

"One sec!" Artemis pulled her hair out of its messy bun and opened the door. "Come in, I'm still getting ready."

Dick leaned in the doorway. "You look hot." He observed.

"Thank you!" She smeared on a layer of lipstick. "I haven't seen you in a few."

"Nope, it's... it's been rough." Dick sat on the edge of the couch. There was a framed photo on the coffee table; it was one of their favorite pictures: Kaldur's eighteenth birthday, right after getting a tattoo of his fishhook symbol. Now that Dick was over eighteen too, the whole original had their symbols tattood, right over their right hips. 

"Oh, that's a good picture." Artemis grabbed her bag. "Okay, let's go."

They met the others at the resteraunt, it was pretty unpopulated since most people were downtown, watching the fireworks.

"Dick?" M'gann asked.

"Right, right." He stood up. "Five years ago..."

"Six." Conner corrected.

"Right, six years ago... you know what? I can't do this. Mr. Teamleader?"

Kaldur looked surprised. "I'm not the team leader. I'm not on the team anymore..."

"Please, Kaldur? I can't carry on this tradition myself. Not anymore."

Kaldur sighed and stood up. "We're all here... except...."

Artemis shook her head, pulling a framed photo from her purse. "We're ALL here."

She set Wally at the empty place at the table.

"Good." He muttered. "We're all here because six years ago, three inexperienced children broke into a dangerous, privetly owned, facility. Once there, they found and freed yet another powerful, inexperienced, youth." He nodded at Conner.

"AnD ThEn wE gOt GiRlS!" Dick jested. Giving M'gann a side-hug. "And very thankfuls we were about it!"

"We're all here because we directly disobeyed orders, inspired by Speedy's revolution."

Dick nodded. "I invited Will to come, but he said no, So I asked Roy, and he said no. Jim said no too, so we're going Harper-less tonight."

"HEY!" Artemis punched his shoulder. "I'm basically a Harper! Like, Ollie invites all of us over sometimes."

"Do you go?"

"Not a lot, but Will takes Lien up there every month or so." She smiled. "What about the Waynes?"

Dick rolled his eyes. "Me and Tim text a bunch, and we hang out on missions, and I DO visit, but..." He shrugged. "Work and Bludhaven and stuff."

M'gann smiled an Conner. He reluctantly smiled back. Their relationship was still mending itself.

"Kaldur, How's you been?" Dick tried to engage him in the conversation. Things were still uncomfortable between M'gann, Conner and Kaldur. The undercover ploy had fucked them up. Badly.

"I'm still alive." He replied. "I'm trying my best."

"I'm glad." M'gann muttered, plunged into guilt at the memory of her old friend's mind.

"Shall we order drinks?" Artemis asked. "Hey- remember that time we went to Denny's, SUPER HIGH?"

Dick laughed. "Yeah, we were accidents waiting to happen!" His face slowly fell as the expression resonated in his mind.

Young Justice TrashDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora