Hot Weather

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-having trouble writing the next Deaged part so I thought I'd but this together-

"No, no nonono-" Dick squealed.

"RETRIBUTION!" Artemis threw her a pitcher of water over the boy, making him lose it.

"Wally!" He prayed. "Come back!"

The three jostled around, shouting and slipping around in the icewater on the kitchen floor.

There was a hot spell in Happy Harbour, and the youngest three had been throwing glasses of cold water at each other and generally making a mess. Sure, their team was kind of annoyed about this, but they understood how cooped up and frusterated the kids felt.

M'gann tossed her book across the living room before it got soaked. "Hey, guys? How about we go to the park instead?" It was only kind of passive-aggressive.

"Oh, sorry." Artemis giggled, all three of them here half-soaked and hugging each other for warmth.

"It's fine, you can have an awesome water fight there." She suggested. "You guys prepare everything, you'll need, and we'll all go down together.

It took about ten minutes to get down into town. Dick and Artemis  were stepping over each other, clutching a huge cooler of water balloons (it helps to have a teammate who can manipulate water).

Wally carried a few heavy-duty water guns, there was a tap at the park, so if they needed more water, they were covered.

The part was mostly clear, say for a few kids playing at the far side.

"Let's go!" Wally shouted, sprinting into the grass and dumping the guns on the grass.

"Hold on!" Dick nearly dropped his side of the bin. The two hurried over to the level field, set down the bin, and attacked each other.

Conner chose a spot to sit, out of the danger zone, and settled down in the sun.

M'gann read for a bit, and then desided the others were having more fun, and ran into the water fight.

Kadlur was a referee for them, making sure no one was getting ganged up on. If anyone wasn't playing nice, they'd get two liters of cold water down their neck.

Meanwhile, the younger three were rabid. They's soaked the grass until is was mostly mud water, which they tackled each other into. They were like uncontrollable golden retriver puppies, wearing swimsuits and tee-shirts, and soaking wet.


'Went to park :)'

The note was taped to the fridge in the kitchenette. If Bruce didn't know they left notes there, he'd never have found it.

"They went out to the park." He stated, looking up at the woman.

"Of course they did." Dianah sighed, the kids were always wandering off when left unsupervised. "So that's why no one is answering."

"Robin should have taken his comm." Bruce stated. "and his utility belt."

"I'll go find them." She stated, pulling on a shirt for a half-hearted disguise.


Dick shoved past Artemis, tripping her into the mud. She smeared dirt of her face with the back of her hand. "You're going to regret that!" She darted out of the mud on all fours, like some Lovecraft-ian creature. She pulls Dick down with her, gripping his hair and thrusting his face into the dirt.

"FOWL!" M'gann cried. She lifted Artemis off the ground and shouted to Kaldur, who stepped in.

Artemis shreiked as water spilled off her shoulders. She kicked until M'gann's telekinisis set her down. "Ms. M!" She screamed. "I'm coming for you!"

Wally kneeled next to Dick and offered him a hand up. Dick Splashed him with mud water and hurried to his feet. 

"Come 'n' get me!" 

Wally was not only the fastest teen alive, but he was also a tease.


Dianah set her hands on her hips and waited for them to notice her. DIck, and Wally, and M'gann and Artemis, were chasing each other around the field. Conner was pretending read, but was actually watching the game, smiling a bit.

"CONNER!" His girlfriend called.

He stood up, grabbed a fat water balloon, and chased Artemis down accross the field. She readied her water gun and sprinted away.

Kaldur was keeping them in line, making sure they weren't cheating.

After another ten minutes or so, she realized they weren't going to recognize her without a little help. She cleared her throught and called out.

The team paused, except Dick and Wally; The latter had tackled the former down a small hill into the mud. They were covered in dirt, freshly trimmed grass, and water. They sat up and acknoleged her.

"Uh huh?" Dick  asked as Wally threw his arms around the younger boy and proudly proclaimed that he'd caught him. "Oh, BC!" He stumbled up, brushing himself off as best he could.

"Batman wants you six back at the mountain. Now." She watched them, mildly entertained as they all hurried to their feet, soaked from head to toe. 

"Let's go, guys!" Artemis empied her water bottle over her face to rinse off the mud. Her hair was so long, it would take a long time to dry.

Conner was only half soaked, he helped his girlfriend up and they helped Kaldur grab they're stuff.

Wally and Robin were on all fours, slipping and racing each other up the will. Dick's glasses were so speckled with water and stuck with grass that he could hardly see out them. Both kids were destroyed, wet and muddy and dishelvoled in every possible way. Artemis locked hands with both boys and helped haul them up. The kids hurried after their den mother, wet, cold feet on the hot pavement.

They were loud and excited (obnoxious) all the way home,  trailing as a cluster behind the woman. 

No one even thought about what Bats would think when he saw six muddy, soaking, and loud children run into the mountain barefoot.

-The next Deaged part will feature Diana Prince, and either GL (Hal Jordon) Or M Manhunter. I know little of these latter heroes, so any info would be helpfull.-

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