First Time Meeting.... (extended ending)

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-an extention of the last part requested by @DCr3ativ3Abomination. Leave requests in the comments-

-this is an extention of an AU from the last part, so yeah...-

"Does he think this team is a joke!" Conner spat. "A kid?"

"I'm thirteen!" 

"Thirteen in weeks or in months?" Artemis commented, off-handed. 

The kid, Robin he called himself, grit his teeth. "I'm not a child, I'm only three years younger than you!"

"Okay, sport." She sighed, cracking open a Coke. 

"Robin, how about we show you around the mountain?" Kaldur tried to deescalate the situation, he didn't understand why everyone was so angry at this kid. He did resent the fact that league was willing to put a child in the team, but it wasn't the boy's personal fault. 

"Sorry, big K, no can do, the kid's wearing velcro shoes." Artemis swigged her cola.

Robin glared down at his feet, speaking defensively. "Velcro is faster AND more efficient!"

"Sure, you want a juice box too? Sorry we don't have any sippy cups handy..."

Wally grabbed Robin's arm to restraining him from tackling Artemis. "Alright guys, let's keep it chill..." he leaned up to Artemis. "Arty."


"What are you, fucking nuts?" His eyes were wide and distressed.


"You're bullying the bat's kid while said bat is in the next room, you braindead horse."

She shrugged. "He IS a kid. It's not an insult if it's the truth. Unless the truth is gonna send him running to mommy and Daddy."

Wally gripped Robin firmer. "Hey! Let's make that tour happen." 

Again, It's not that they disliked the kid; he was cute, and kind of funny, but he was just far to young. They would humor him today, and talk to Batman about the kid later, requesting that they aren't made responsible for the child. He could easily be injured... or worse.

"Me and Conner's rooms are down that hall, and there's the living room and kitchenette." M'gann floated a few feet ahead of the group.

"Cool... this place is huge!" Robin commented as they rounded back to where they'd started. 

"Don't get used to it." Conner muttered.


Shit the kid heard him.

M'gann was stuck trying ti explain. "Look, Robin, it's not that we don't want you on the team..."

"We don't want you on the team." Connner stated.

He stared up at them, lips parted a little. "Why?"

"It's not that we don't think you'd be useful, Robin,"Kaldur spoke cautiously. "it's just... I don't think we could have you on the team in good conscience."

"Why?" This time it was more of an order.

"You couldn't let a child be hurt-"

"But I'm not a child!" He shouted, stunning them for a second. "You guys made this team because the league treated you the same way you're treating me right now!"

He forced himself to turn away on his heel and leave, past his mentor, and straight home to angst.

"Fuck, he has got a point." Conner relented. 

"Have we become... the very thing we pledged to distroy?" Wally asked over-dramatically. He dropped the act. "Seriously, Bats is gonna kill us.."

"Is this what GA felt like when Roy left?" Artemis stated. "Cause damn, that low-key hurt."

"Perhaps we could give Robin a chance on the team." Kaldur proposed, frankly unwilling to put the team in trouble for rejecting Robin. "While being monitered, of course."

"He does seem relatively mature for his age..." M'gann wasn't too eager to get in trouble either. "But I agree, the only thing stopping his joining is that he might get hurt. So if we make this as safe an environment as possible, and keep our eyes on him... he might be okay!"

Wally agreed. "He is kind of spontaneous, but guys, WE'LL HAVE A HACKER ON OUR TEAM!"

And thus, it was settled.

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