Parenting Skills (Part 95) **IMPORTANT INFO**

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-Only FIVE Parts Left!-


Because of a Deeply uncomfortable dynamic between Kaldur and his friends down under, he didn't go down to Atlantis much. Yet, he still would visit his mother and catch up with out aquaintences to tell them about working on land. Not to mention that he enjoyed the buoyancy of saltwater, and the underwater smell that human's will never understand. 

But he can't stay down for long; he was needed on the surface to fight crime. Also, his team needed him. They needed him A LOT.

They were finishing a training session with Black Canary when he entered. Apparently, Wally had twisted his ankle pretty badly, so the rest lesson was hypothetic scenarios.

"Your lower body is pinned, and you have only about twenty seconds to escape. Does anyone have any ideas?"

Wally raised his hand. "A game of 'duck, duck, goose'  except you say 'baby, baby, boomer'. "

Dianah shook her head. "Those aren't the ideas I wanted."

Conner raised his hand. "I have a question."


"If I had heat vision, and I wore perscription glasses, would they wourd like magnifying glasses?"

"I think we've had enough training for today, you all clearly need a break." Dianah had been struggling to control these kids for hours; they were uncontrollable without their team leader. "Aqualad! We're just ending..."

"That's alright, let them go."

"Dismissed!" She called. Dianah could not get away from them faster; it was a bad day for her to be dealing with smart-ass teenagers.

M'gann dusted herself off. "How was Atlantis?"

Kaldur smiled slightly. "It was nice, I'm glad I get to visit."

"Yeah..." She nodded sadly and started off towards her room. 

Kaldur let her go, she needed space, she'd check in on her in ten minutes. He went instead to the livingroom, where Wally, Conner, and Artemis  had gone.





Conner was staring at his phone, refreshing his instagram feed, and trying to tune out the bickering teens.



Kaldur reached inbetween them and pulled the remote away.

"Kaldur, gimme! I had It first!" Wally exclaimed.

Artemis shook her head. "He wasn't even using it!"

"Because I'd already found something to watch. You always take FOREVER!"

"Cause it's hard to find something good."

Kaldur, still holding the remote, turned to Conner. "Superboy, do you want to watch anything?" 

He shook his head. "I don't really like Television, except..."


"Well, M'gann wants me to watch something called Clueless."

"Appropriate." Artemis laughed.

"Would you all be alright with watching that?" Kaldur asked.


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