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-shout out to @storm-of-imagination for the request. Leave your requests in the comments!-

"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck." Wally was repeating as he paced outside the medbay.

"Will you shut the FUCK UP?" Artemis ordered.

"No! I won't! I have taken my share medical science courses and THAT" he gestured to the door, "did NOT look good! The whole bone is shattered."

"How do you know?" She sneered, "You're not doing the surgery!"


"Okay, let's calm down, fighting won't help Robin recover." Kaldur reasoned.

"What else won't help Rob recover? Pairing him up against CONNER, AND BREAKING HIS ARM!"

Conner stood up violently, "I didn't think I'd actually Hit him!"

"So you just punched blindly at full force, not aiming for him?" The redhead spat.

"Relax, will everyone relax?" The team leader was struggling, "I don't want us to keep arguing, because regardless of who's at fault,"

"Conner." Wally muttered.

"Robin was injured and we can only move forwards. Agree?" He glared around the circle, making them all stare at the floor uncomfortably, nodding in reluctant agreement.

Finally, they were let into see him. Batman didn't trust them with his kid again, he stood by the bedside and watched them angirily, especially Conner. Wally was in the room in less then a second, leaning over his friend. 

"Rob, dude, are you okay?" He begged.

"He's resting." The boy's mentor said stiffly.

Robin's eyes fluttered open under his mask. "Walls..." he choked.

"yeah! Yes, it's me, man,are you okay?"

"Baaaad." He moaned, smiling. He was on drugs, it was obvious. "fuckin' bad."

"Robin, are you alright?" M'gann asked, very concious of Batman over her shoulder.

"No" He chuckled, his injuries not reaching his pain receptors. "...B, cam we get some privacy?" His father left, reluctantly, he was going to supervise over the cameras. "Is anyone going to tell me why dads are physically incapable of emotional intelligence?"

Only Wally knew the details of the relationship between the dynamic duo, so everyone else was a little perturbed by this sudden subject change. "What?" Conner asked.

"Seriously, think of your dads and name one time the healthily expressed their emotions."

Wally finally caught on. "Guys, it's high Robin, when he's on painkillers he only speaks in confusing truths."

"Oh, then," Artemis didn't care much for the boys last revelation. "Robin, are you into boys?" Everyone glared at her, that was totally inappropriate.

"I'm attracted to CHAOS!" He exclaimed. "And people Who don't want me." He laughed, he wasn't  going to remember this the next day.

It was a little awkward, no one was acknowledged his 'confession', since he wasn't sober. "Are you sure you're alright" Kaldur asked.

"I already told you; no." He moaned. "You know what I hate? I hate when people treat kids like props, like 'awwe, aren't you adorable' and stuff, and the kids are literally just existing." He spoke personally.

Immediately, Bruce sent Dianah in to tell the team to leave so the kid could rest, honestly, it was actually because he thought Dick might spill something about his secret ID.


Bats finally let them see him again, Robin was half asleep, but trying to be social.

"Hii, losers." He sounded self-entertained. According to Black Canary, he'd spent the past ten minutes trying to write the entire script to Hamilton from memory on a sticky note. His bed was covered in sticky notes with no decernable language on them.

"Hi Rob," M'gann followed Wally to his side. "Are you feeling any better?"

"MMMmmmmmnope!" He exclaimed. "I don't hurt, I just... Scream." He said as soberly as possible.

"Oh," She said. "Okay..."

Robin leaned back in the bed and his hair flipped into his eyes. "Ah!" He raised his uninjured arm and tried to brush it away but his depth perseption was off, he jabbed himself in the eyes several times.

Wally began pushing The boy's hair back. Robin's neck was weak, so when Wally pushed his hair back, his forhead was pushed back too, then would bop forwards again like a bobblehead. He giggled a little.

"I want goldfish." He laughed.

"I'll get some" Wally hurried to the kitchen, returning with crackers. "Snacks."

Robin started giggling,  whispering the word 'ffffffish' to himself over and over. Wally helped him eat his crackers, since Robin kept missing his mouth. "Thankyou."

"He's so high." Artemis scoffed.

"No I'm high." He choked on a cracker. "Oh, Con..." He gentlygestured to his injured arm, and regretfully stated, "Broke."

"...Yeah... sorry." Conner replied, "I thought you were faster than you were." His girlfriend elbowed him.

"Me too, lads, me too." He laughed regretfully. "Heey Aqua L, do you feel bad for pairing up me and him?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't anticipate-"

"YEAH." Robin cut him off. "I'm BROKE. Well, My arm is, I'm actually pretty fuckin rich..."

"Uh sure." Artemis snickered doubtfully. "What? You got a ten dollar allowence? You got a lemonade stand or something?" She leaned towards him mockingly, he started a little.

"Naw, I'm rich." He shrugged. "I'm valuble -neigh- I'm Fucking PRICELESS!"

Most of them held in chuckles as Dianah entered; Bruce was watching the cameras protectively, and apperently Dick was oversharing a bit. "Are you okay, Robin?"

"I want Better already." He whined. "I'm bored!"

She stepped forewards and brushed crumbs from his intoxicated face. "Soon enough, but in the meantime, you need to rest."

"No!" The boy reached out to the team, specifically the redhead who'd been feeding him crackers. "Wally stays!"

"You need rest." The woman reminded, ushering them out again.

"NO! I want Wally to STAY!" He exclaimed indignantly. He would refuse to sleep without his boy at his side. "WALLY STAYS."

Wally stayed.

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