Deaged Epilogue

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Finally, there was a cure, hopefully. They weren't really sure it would work, but they had to try. The hardest part about turning them back was getting them all in one place.

"Can't we do it later?" M'gann begged. "We're playing tag. Tag isn't this fun when we're grown up!"

"Let us stay! Please?" Artemis pulled out her huge hazel eyes; pleading with her mentor.

"Don't listen to her." Roy called. "She's a manipulative little shit!"


"IT'S TRUE!" The teen replied. "She's a kid now, but don't forget how much she sucks as a teenager!"

"Roy, you don't Have to be here for this." Dianah reminded, currently convincing Conner to join his friends on one of the medical beds.

"I wanna be." He replied. He was going to give them SO MUCH Shit for everything that had happened the past week-and-a-half.  For not he went to Dick, who was 'fighting' with his adoptive father. "Hey birdie, you ready to go back to normal?"

"NO!" Dick exclaimed. He REALLY hated hospital rooms.

"Tough." He swept the kid off the floor. "But hey, when you're thirteen again you'll be able to play lasertag again." He bribed.


"Yep. Hey- Maybe if you guys are really Good, then maybe me and uncle Ollie will take you guys out to lasertag." Dick nodded and stopped fighting... for now.

"I don't want to!" Conner explained. 

"Why?" Dianah really tried to be patient.

"I just... DON'T." He stated.

"Keep fighting!" Wally encouraged, earning him a glare. "I'm kidding."

Roy set the youngest child down on the bed, watching him crawl over to Wally. 

"WALLY! Wallywallywallywally!" Dick exclaimed, pulling at the hem of the redheads  teeshirt. 

"Hi." Wally replied, pulling Dick closer to the rest of the team at the head of the bed. "They're going to turn us back to normal!"

"Robin stay still." M'gann ordered, grabbing fistfulls of his hair to braid. It hurt a lot, but he liked having her play with him.

"He's gonna look so pwetty!" Artemis teased. "Right, princess?"

"Okay-" Dianah finally succeeded in setting Conner on the table."So, we're going to give you all something that will help you sleep, and when you wake up... well, we'll see." 

The kids were okay, until the kids saw the needles. 

"NO!" Dick shrieked, kicking away to the other side of the bed. "NO! NO! NO NEEDLE!" His father sighed and lifted him off the bed. "NO! NO NEEDLE! PLEASE!" He was hystarical, screaming and kicking as all the presant adults tried to calm him down.

"Don't worry, Robin." Kaldur stated. "I'll take it first." He held out his arm.

"Thank you, you're being very brave." It was releaving to have one kid cooperate.

Each kid got their shot, with reactions ranging from silent tears (M'gann), to uncontrollable shaking (Wally), to telling Dianah to shove the needle deeper if it's mmore convinient (Conner. He's a weird kid).

It took several people to restrain Dick. He screamed and panicked the whole way through, no matter what they did. It was painful to force a needle into the vein of a screaming child, but it was probably worse for him...

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