Deaged (Part Five; Reverse Brothers)

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-Shout out to @AuroraAnnalot for the epic requests. Please Leave your requests in the comments or DM me-

Sleep is a no-go when you have an emotionally stressed three year old. Dick had a four am night terror and kept waking up needing water/the bathroom. He was relatively scared of the dark, not wanting to move if no one else was awake. 

The other kids seemed to have slept alright, except Dianah explained that Conner had woken her up after his super hearing and M'gann's telekinises picked up on Dick's night terror. She was tired and gave some BS excuse since she knew normal, teenage, Robin wouldn't take to kindly to that information being shared publicly.

Now, both exhaused Adults waited for someone to take over after them. There'd been a miscommunication, and they were currently stuck without replacements.

She sipped her coffee. "Sorry, if I'd known he was being so difficult I'd have offered to help."

"No, if I wasn't there, things could have been worse."

"Is it worth it?" She asked. "They aren't exactly child friendly..."

"It's better than nothing, our exhaustion could put them in more danger... Red Robin will hopefully manage to keep them in line."

"They haven't seen their brother yet, have they?"

"No." Bruce admitted. "The children will wake up shortly. I should tell them it's an emergency."


"So, what is it?" Jason (18) ordered, leaping through the zetabeam. When he'd first been contacted at five am on a sunday, he was pretty damn pissed off. Then, he'd realized that this mission involved being at the mountain; where his little brother worked.

"Slow down, I  don't think the assaignment is going anywhere." Damian (29) followed him. They didn't know what happened to their brother, only that his team had been effected by some kind of poison or toxin, and their father had stayed at the mountain the previous night.

Last to arrive was Tim (21), Clutching his travel mug. "Can you two shut up? I don't think this mission requires bullhorns."

"Where's babybird?" Jason ordered.

The three began actually taking in the sight; Dianah, as Black Canary, and their father were in the mountain's kitchen, and at the kitchen table... Children.

"What, What's going on?" Tim was sure he was still asleep and dreaming.

The child turned towards them, watching them, confused. The oldest was almost eight, the youngest was about two or three, and very familiar looking. "Timmy!"

"I'll explain." Their father pulled them away.

The explanation was brief, but it only took a glance at the todler in the Wanye Enterprises shirt to explain everything.

"They're children." Damian stated. "You should have disclosed that before we arrived."

"We don't have anyone to watch them for the day."

Jason wasn't even paying attention. He wove around the other three and strode to the kids eating cereal at the table. The kids froze, he intimidated them. The only one who was entirely comfortable was the youngest; who smiled a little bit.

"Hi, baby bird." He reached out and scooped the kid off his chair, hauling him towards the others.

Kaldur looked between Jason and Dianah, he got up and hurried over To her, ensuring that their youngest wasn't being kidnapped.

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