Ah, Yes, A Hetero. I Am One Too.

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-For @outsidersandBTS4life  HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I Don't know how old you are (cause I don't even know your name) but I hope you have a great day!-

"Where's Zee?" Artemis asked. "I heard she was coming over."

"I dunno. I think she and Robin ran off together." Conner replied.

"Oh no." She groaned. "That kid needs to stop stealing her from me!"

"Didn't you steal her from him originally?" Wally pointed out.

"It was a passing crush!" Artemis exclaimed. "Like Wally had on me!"

Wally scoffed, blushing a little. "UH, YEAH, SURE."

"You kissed me on new years eve."

"I dunno." He said, flustered. "The Mood suggested..."

"I know." She said. "I don't like you either. But that's probably why Zat made Robin kiss her."

M'gann frowned a little. "Poor Robin, he looked so uncomfortable after that."

Wally nodded. "Cause they've only interacted like four times, and she didn't ask for consent."

"and She said kissing him was like kissing a girl." Artemis stated. "We need to save them from each other. I'll find Zee."

Wally nodded. "I'll get food."

He meandered into the kitchen for a snack. He rounded the corner to see... someone bent over, searching through a large cupboard. The someone wore darkwash skinny jeans, and had a thick, frankly well defined, ass.

Wally stood where he was and watched for about twenty long seconds. It was a fine ass. He realized he was gaping, and picked his jaw up off the floor

It had to be one of the girls, right? Judging the length of the legs, it was probably Zatanna, she hadn't noticed he was there. Wally desided to give her a fright.


The figure shot out of the cupboard, smacking his head on the way out. "WALLY!"

Shit, HE not SHE! HE NOT SHE!

"Oh my god!" Was all he could think to say. "I thought you were one of the girls!"

Dick's face was growing red. "DUDE!"

"SORRY! SORRY! SORRY!" The redhead felt his face burn.

Dick closed the cupboard, having retrieved the hidden pack of oreos. "ZAT!"

The black haired girl hurried in, giggling and desperately covering her bra. "What."

"Here." He passed her the oreos, and grabbed two glasses of lemonade off the counter. "Let's go back to your room."

"Okay!" She giggled. 

Wally was apalled by EVERYTHING that just happened. A thirteen year old boy and a fourteen year old girl were NOT meant to date. Not to mention what he said to Rob when he thought he was Zat. OH LORD, He'd been admiring Robin's ass!

Then he had a WAY more terrible realization: The league moniters the cameras, a lot! 


Dick set the glass down in Zatanna's dark, spare bedroom.  She sat on her bed, revealing her bra and sensually tearing open the pack of oreos.

"I LOVE these." She moaned, shoving a few in her mouth.

"Same." Dick shrugged, swigging his drink. "Should we put out some Kryponite to stop Supes from hearing us?"

"Go for it." She smirked.

He pulled a tiny green chip out of his belt, under his jacket. He rersted it by the door, and Swayed towards her. 

"So you haven't told anyone?"

"Nope. It's a secret!"

"And you won't tell anyone about me?"

She shook her head, raven hair fitting around her bare shoulders. "It's a pact. We won't tell anyone about each other."

He sat on the bed, close to her, kicking off his shoes and swinging his legs up. He pulled off his hoodie, his tee-shirt clung to it as it came up. He pulled his shirt down. She politely ignored his scars and old injuries, she knew he wouldn't tell her aanything.

"Gimme an oreo." He said. "Please."

"Here." She took one and put it in his mouth. "And now..." Her hand slunk up to his chest. "You sure?"

He shyly nodded. "I think."

"Good. Me too."

He locked their pinky fingers."I won't tell anyone you like girls." 

She gripped his finger. "I won't tell anyone you like boys. And if your scared of Batman, you can sneak in here and stay in my bed until it's safe for you to go home."

"Thank you." He said, in ernest. "I didn't know who to tell..."

"It's fine. Can you pass me my notebook?"

He reached behind him with his other hand and passed her a notebook. "Why do you need it?"

"I couldn't remember the spell." She admitted, using her free hand to flip to a middle page. "But this is going to make sure that no matter how much torture we're put through, we won't reveal each other's secrets (Without consent)."

"great." He said. "Thanks for doing this."

She looked timid. "Sorry about new years..."

"It's cool." He said, very uncomfortable. "I thought I liked you too. It was both our faults."

"No, I shouldn't have kissed you." She admitted. "But now I know I like girls, soo..."

Dick snickered. "Was I That bad?"

"No, you kissed really well, but you kissed like a girl, and now I realize how hot that is."

He tried to take it as a compliment, smirking a bit. "Just do damn the spell."

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