Avengers Crossover AU

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-MASSIVE shoutout to @WallyandDick  for the request. Sorry it took me a little-

Okay, the team wasn't at home. Or on their earth. To be frank, they didn't fucking know where they were. 

One sec they were irrationally pissed, fighting Klarion at ten pm (there are only so many things that pissed them off like that), the next second they were... not there.

Obviously, their first thoughts were something along the lines of: 'that bitch!' Shortly followed by 'Where'd that fucker send us this time?".

"Is everyone okay?" Kaldur asked, immidiately sitting up. "Robin?" He looked for the youngest member.

Dick groaned, squirming from where he was pinned under Wally. "I'm here."

"Where are we?" Artemis asked, rubbing her head. "Rob?"

"Give me a few. KF, Up." He managed to roll over and tried tapping at his glove. "I dunno."

"What? Use your GPS."

"I'm trying!" He argued. "This place looks like Gotham, but isn't! There aren't enough Gargoyles..."

"We're in the sky." Conner said suddenly. They all looked around. They were on top of some sort of impossibly tall high rise. Like a ridiculesly huge Wayne tech or Lexcorp building.

"What... the... fuuuck....?" Wally finally sat up. 

"See, baywatch, this is why WE DO NOT FUCK WITH MAGIC!"

Conner held up a hand to silence them. "Footsteps." Immideately, the team went quiet, there was no time to hide. 

The door to (presumably a stairwell) across the roof slammed open, and there were several wooshing sounds surounding the roof the were on. The new figures in the scene seemed taken aback.

A tall, buff, blonde man in casual clothes and a shield spoke first. "Kids?"

A figure in an impressive, heavy looking metal suit zoomed to a stop near the team. "Well, iced americano, you should know that sometimes people aren't what they seem..."

In their defensive poses, Kaldur protected his team. "Who are you?"

"Back at you." A redhaired woman, not unlike their denmother back home, stated.

"Do not attack us." Kaldur warned, very protective of his friends. "I am Aqualad, and these are my teammates: Kid Flash, Ms. Martian, Superboy, Artemis and Robin."

"Who?" A man with longer hair and a metal arm prosthetic.

"We're a team." Artemis added. "Protégés of The Justice League."

"The who?"

"The Justice League." She repeated. "You do know who the league is, right?"

 The guy in the heavy suit hovered closer to them. The voice emiting from it sounded tired. "Look, kids I think it's past your bedtimes, so if you can stop your games and get off my tower..."

"Listen, Tin Man, We're not lying!" Dick spat. "We were mid-battle and we just appeared here!"

Suddenly, M'gann made a realization. "Klarion! He must have sent us somewhere else! A different earth or something! One where the League doesn't exist!"

"That bitch boy!" Wally groaned.

"Fugly. Little. Slut!"

"What are you talking about?" Metal-arm growled, stalking towards them. The team huddled closer.

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