The League Finds Their TikTok

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-Now my board can do stuff again, The TikToks will be in BOLD-

The league wanted to know what other things their children had done, except they were doing this IN THE MOUNTAIN. Probably so if they saw something incriminating, they could yell at their kids on the spot.

It was bad enough knowing the league had seen their TikToks, being in the room while the leeague scrutinized their videos was a whole other kind of pain. 

The team had all claimed a couch, climbing onto it like seals fighting for a  spot on a sunbathed rock. Conner and Kaldur were on the armrests, to protect the emotionally weaker members of the pack, should the league start disaplining them again. 


*Roy is filming himself, sitting next to Artemis on a roof in Star City*

Roy: I'm the favorite

Artemis: yeah right, You quit the job!


Artemis: Uh, FUCK YOU?

Oliver:*Off screen* ARTEMIS!

Artemis: WHAT?


"This is what I mean when I say you're still hung up on speedy." Artemis spat. Roy sneered at her."It's true, though!"

"It is. You are." Robin backed her.


*Artemis runs in, slamming her hand on her matteress*

Artemis: You Know What's Ironic? That I'm the only one on my team who wouldn't be able to get off a deserted island! Like, Green Arrow's been at this for what? Eight years? WHY DON'T WE HAVE A WAY OFF DESERTED ISLANDS? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? SHOOT A FUCKING ARROW?


"I- SHE HAS A POINT." Roy exploded. "I have to rent speed boats for missons and it's Stupid! Why haven't we worked this out yet?"

Wally snorted. "Roy has a lot of feelings on this."

"I DO."


*Wally is sitting backwards on a kitchen chair. He turns around his ball cap*

Wally: whoa, whoa,whoa, WHOA! Did I just catch you making pre-marital eye contact. DISGUSTING. You two are way to young for that. I'll be taking your glasses, young man.


"I can't tell who you're making fun of." Barry sqinted at his nephew.

Wally bit his lip painfully. "You. I was making fun of you."

"Obviously!" Artemis backed him.

"More like, adults as a whole..."


*Wally approaches Artemis and Dick* 

Wally: I bet I can scare you two with five words

Artemis: Bullshit

Dick: I don't GET scared!

Wally:*Clears throat* THE FITNESS GRAM PACER TEST...

*Both flee the room*


The adults didn't get it for a second.

"Come on, didn't you have to do that in school?" Robin asked, exasperated.

Wally joined in. "You run back and forth across the room while a robotic voice goes 'end of round one'."

A whole chamber of memories were unlocked for the older generation.

"OH, WOW!" Barry's eyes grew huge. "OH WOW, THE BEEP TEST?"


Dick: being Batman's *Clears throat* "Sidekick" is weird because the only emotion I've felt all week is justice. And I tried to wear a colourful shirt yesterday and the shirt burst into flame so I had to wear black AGAIN...  is this just me? Is being goth infectious? Thanks in advance.


Dick glanced, terrified at his father. "IT WAS A JOKE! A JOKE! I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!"

"I'm sure it wasn't meant to be offensive." The team began jumping in to protect their youngest.

"I see. Robin," The man stated firmly, making them all freeze up.


"We'll talk about this later."

The boy went pale shunk against his friends for safety. 


*Conner is in front of a white board, drawing figures*

Conner: It takes me ten minutes to walk home from the store. My dad is 2x faster than me, how many years is it going to take foR HIM TO COME HOME?


The younger team members burst into giggles. The leagues silence told them to shut up.

"Oh, come on. It was another joke!" Artemis scoffed. "You expect US to have good emotional intelligence? You're the ones training us!"


"This Team Was Built On Daddy Issues" Dick stated boldly.

"I DON'T HAVE A DAD, THAT'S THE ISSUE!" Conner shouted at the league.


Dick: I just got dresscoded cause apparently my tie is "distracting". But the student handbook doesn't say I can't wear a tie made out of worm-on-a-strings! And the principle said that my tie had to be black, so...

*Dick pans the camera up to show his tie. It's a tie made of worm-on-a-string's that had been hastily painted black*

Dick: they called my dad.


Batman stood up, walked over to the kids and told Robin to follow him. They needed to have a talk about internet privacy and keeping their identities secret. The tie incident was memorable enough that at least a few people assosiated it witrh the name Richard Grayson.

"What a thing to get in trouble for..." Conner said what they all thought.

"Some protector you are." Artemis grumbled. 

M'gann waved over to the league. "Can we do this another time? I feel weird doing this... especially while Batman and Robin are..." She didn't want to say that she felt uncomfortable being around while her teammates get in trouble.

"That's valid." Dianah agreed. "Another time."

"OR," Wally proposed. "Never!?"

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