Babysitting Richard Grayson

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-this one won by a LOT.-

"Mission!" Dick exclaimed, bouncing up and down.

"Chill out." Artemis stated. "You're such a kid!"

He frowned. "Just come on!" He lead them to the mission room. "Hey bats! What do we have today?"

Bruce made them essemble in a semicircle, he pulled up a photo of a cute twelve year old smiling for his school picture. "This is Richard Grayson, ward to Bruce Wayne."

Wally's head whipped around just in time to see the colour drain from Robin's face.


"His father has been receiving threats and assassination attempts, which have extended to him."

"So?" Artemis asked, trying to remember where she knew the kid from. "What do you want us to do? I only do assassinations if I'm payed upfront in cash."

Bruce ignored her."Bruce Wayne is out of country at the moment, and Richard Grayson is left home alone. Your assignment is to ensure that nothing happens to him."

"Wait, this is our mission?" Conner scoffed, this team was a joke! "some kid?"

"Yeah, with all due respect, Fuck That and Fuck You." Artemis added."No offence."

M'gann shrugged. "It might not be that bad... we can get our homework done!" She turned to Kaldur. "You could catch up with those mission reports."

Wally nodded, trying not to laugh at the expression on Dick's face. "Having a chill mission with this guy might be okay work..."

"THAT'S IT!" Artemis shouted. "That's Where I Know Him From! We go to school together! He's a freshmen!"

"Do you know what he is like?" Kaldur asked.

"Huge Brat!" She replied. "Him and Robin will hit it off!"

"I don't know if they will..." Wally's eyes lingered on the boy. "Hey bats, can Robin lead this mission." He gave Bruce every queue he could.

"Robin won't be joining you on this mission. He will be helping me find the culprits behind the threats."

Artemis huffed. "Why does Robin get to do the cool stuff?"

Dick hurried forwards and tugged on his Father's arm. "Can we discuss?"

"I'll send you further instructions." Bruce shook his child off his arm and followed him through the zetabeam to the cave.

"Bruce, please!" Dick exploded as soon as they arrived. "I'm thirteen years old, I can handle myself!"

"Dick, I know that." He started, "but this is for your safety."

"I don't need my team to Babysit me." He pouted. 

"This isn't about your team babysitting you, this is about keeping you safe."

"I don't need them to! I don't want them to! I'm fine! I can do it-"

"Dick," Bruce sighed, his kid was being a handful. "I need to find the source of these threats to your safety."

There'd been a bounty on his father's head since Bruce Wayne's testimony as a witness put away a few of the wrong people. They were almost run over the other day while crossing the road. Sure, the manor had been broken into last night, and some rando had tried to kidnap Dick after school... but he could handle it!

"Then why don't I come with you? I can help you put those creeps away."

"Dick, no. It's too dangerous."

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