Truth or Dare

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-shout out to @outsidersandBTS4life for the request. Leave your requests in the comments-

-the poll was a tie so I can't write either until it's settled-

"I thought we weren't doing follow up questions?" Robin said defensively, Artemis was getting a little too nosey about his last answer. The game had been going a little over twenty minutes, M'gann was wearing a freezing, damp tshirt, Wally and Robing had swapped clothes, and Artemis had coloured a strip of her hair rainbow woth mr. Sketch markers. "Con, truth or dare?"


"FMK, the people in this room."

"Marry M'gann." He started, His girlfriend approved. "Fuck Kaldur, obviously, and kill the rest of you."

"I thought you were straight." Wally asked.

"Well, I'd rather screw him than any of you. M'gann?"

"Dare!" She giggled excitedly, she almost never picked dare.

"Okay, but you have to forgive me for this." He asked preemptively. "Call a random number and when they answer, ask them if they're twenty-one  with a forty inch bust."

Chuckles and 'ooohs' filled the room as she picked up the phone and dialled a random number. They waited a long time for the other line to pick up, but eventually, they did.

"Hey Babe," M'gann purred, biting her lip and grinning. "Are you twenty-one with LONG  blonde hair and forty inch bust? And damn, girl, where's you gEt them cUrVes-" she jerked the phone away from her face, laughing and blushing wildly. 

The voice at the other line uttered, "PARDON?" It sounded like an old man.

M'gann ended the call, hopping from foot to foot and dying of laughter with the rest of the team. "Conner, you'll get your comeuppance for that." She coughed, calming herself. "Kakdur, Truth of Dare?"

"Truth, please."

"When's the last time you pretended not to be mad?"

Kaldur checked the clock. "Twenty-eight minutes ago."

"Why?" Artemis asked. "Be honest."

"I was busy when you asked whether I wanted to play." He admitted. 

"Oh, sorry..."

"Its alright, Kid Flash, truth or dare?"

"Right, uh, Dare!"

The team leader took a card from one of the piles the younger members keft in the center of the circle in case you couldn't think of anything. The card was to pick a bottle from the fridge and dramatically read out the ingredients list.

"Do the cordial!" Robin egged him on.

The redhead grabbed the near empty bottle as though about to recite hamlet. "Glucose-fructose, water, citric acid, sodium cirate..." Wally paused for dramatic affect, putting all of his non-existant acting skills into the last few lines. "Sodium benzoate, colour, natural and artificial flavor.... and scene!" He poured himself a glass and bowed. "Rob?"


"Make a cringy E-boy Tiktok -with dangling chain!"

"What? NO!"

"Come on! You gotta."

Robin cuffed up Wally's trouser legs, he was several sizes smaller than the redhead, and stood. "Get the camera."

Minutes later, Artemis smeared black eyeliner over the boys lips. "We had to make a chain out of paper clips." She laghed and helped him on with it. They'd turned off the overhead light, and he couldn't see through his shades.

M'gann changed the lamp colour. "What shade?"

"Dark purple/blue lighting." Wally responded, setting up the camera. "Rob, get over here and mouth the words to 'Baby Girl'."

The boy stuck his hands out and stumbled over to the redhead, who slicked his hair and pressed record.

'Recognized: Black Canary-"

"Shoot." Robin couldn't see to turn off the camera. "Wally get over here, this lighting is too dark." 

In a second the speedster was by his side, someone clicked the overhead light on. It took a second for their eyes to adjust. "Hey." Wally shrugged.


"Truth or dare." Robin explained.

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