Reverse BatBros AU

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-thanks to @alyssa579437744 for the request. Please leave your requests in the comments!-

-this IS areverse brothers AU, but I only show Damian in this one-

"this is it." Robin whispered, stepping off the bio ship. "Ms. M, if you will..."

She nodded, setting up the mindlink. 'Sound off!'

'Aragon' Kaldur started.

'Boleyn' even Artemis's mind sounded tired.

'Seymour, of course.' M'gann turned her head to watch the others sound off.


'Howard' Robin checked his screen.

'Parr.' Conner finished. 

Wally nudged the youngest team members. 'I appreciate the significance, but we need a cooler sound off.'

'Shut up, Anna.' Artemis glowered at him. 

'It's called being a feminist, KF' Robin was really proud of the sound off, even though it was be kind of embarrassing to explain. He'd told them it was just to honor the wives of Henry VIII, but then Artemis walked in on him warming up to the soundtrack from Legally Blonde. That's a story for another time...

'Let's head in.' Kaldur walked them through the plan; and easy recon mission, stay in position, don't intrude unless absolutely essential. So obviously they barged in and fucked everything up.

Robin and M'gann were on the Roof, peering through a grate. Nothing yet...

'Damn this is boring' Wally was continuously complaining.

'Well, duh, it IS a stake out!' Artemis sounded *this* close to testing if Wally's face could faze through the concrete wall. 

Robin perked up, his sensors picking up on something. 'A black SUV pulled up out front' 

'Stay hidden' the team leader reminded them.

He pressed his back against the wall as themartian camouflaged herself. About two minutes later, people started entering the building, about five of them.

'We've got guns' Artemis confirmed. 

'Everyone stay put' Kaldur repeated, knowing full well that rushing in was the first thing his teammates would do.

After the first five, who looked like guards, came a tall man in a wife beater, and a scraggly woman who was pushing someone who's head was wrapped in a pillowcase.

"Hostage..." robin exhaled the word, quickly switching back to the  mindlink. 'Guys, the bosses are here, they're tying someone to a chair.'

Kaldur repeated yet again that they NEEDED to stay put. Artemis complained that she didn't need the reminder.

The people were speaking now, too quiet for the team to hear.

'SB, we could use that Super hearing..." the blonde pestered.

'What do you hear?' M'gann asked.

Conner finally responded. 'The guy's saying that it's the last time the guy in the bag will double cross him.... he says he knows the guy must be snitching cause all three of the past operations have been shut down..."

There was an order, and the scraggly Woman pulled off the hood and the hostage was revieled to be a black-haired man in his mid-twenties.

"No.." Robin muttered.

The woman pressed a huge hunting knife against his throat. The man shifted, as if about make some strenuous movement.

"No!" In a second, several smoke bombs exploded around the parking garage. 

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