Out Of The Closet and Into The Fire (Part Two)

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-IDK why ai found the image funny, I just did-

"I don't really do baking." Zatanna explained. "I can try, but I really don't know."

"I'm an amateur too." M'gann explained. "That's why we have a recipe."

Zatanna nodded, smiling. "When we're done this, we- or just I can have a proper coming out!" 

Just then, two boys stumbled into the room. Wally and the shamed child with crooked glasses. "Hey guys, what're you doing?" Wally asked.

"Baking." The girls said in near-perfect unison.

"Nice, save me some!" Wally said, walking Dick over to the other three. "What's going on?"

Kaldur looked up. "We've locked Batman out of our zetabeam."

Dick nodded a little, shyly. "It won't last. He'll have Black Canary come."

"We'll lock her out too!" Artemis proposed, she was REALLY enjoying the power. "Hell, Let's lock the WHOLE LEAGUE OUT!" She grinned. "Rob, you're good at hacking, can you help with this?"

Dick nodded a little. "Okay..." Following her to the computer. "Oh, you barely locked him out, let me show you how to keep bats out!"

Kaldur leaned into Wally. "How is he?"

"Hmm?" The redhead asked, pulling his eyes off Dick. "Oh, he's okay. Just worried about how Batman reacted."

"How come?"

"Well..." Wally started. "Y'know... on land, there are a lot of assholes who disown their kids for being queer..."

Kaldur nodded. Discrimination existed in Atlantis; but he hadn't expirienced it much since he'd grew up with a wonderful mother and a father he was no-contact with. This context did explain why Robin was so scared.

"Lock out EVERYONE?" Artemis asked.

Robin shrugged. "Leave Captain Marvel out. If the league gets to the point when they need to ask him, that's already a win for Team Minors."

"Okay..." she snickered. "Everyone, turn off your phones! The League will start calling us about 'issues' pretty soon!"

They all did so, Dick even silenced any calls that would usually go through to the computer. It helps to have a techie on the team. 

"Hey, let's put something on TV." Wally proposed, wanting to keep distracted from every thing.

Dick hurried over, jumping into the most comfortable seat in the house (far left cushion on the second couch). "You choose!"

"How about we just watch old 90s PSAs then?" Wally tried to shove him off the spot.

"That's Lame." Artemis pushed both of them off the spot and a short wrestling match broke out.

"No, they're hilarious!" Wally argued. "Those old D.A.R.E program videos... Whoo! SO GOOD!"

"No, No. NO." Dick tried to kick Artemis off the seat, but she grabbed his foot and swung him off the chouch. Dick groaned and got up, settling for the far-right cushion, leaving the least comfortable middle one for Wally. "Let's just put on Mean Girls or something."

Wally gasped. "Yes! SO FETCH! M'gann, you're going to love this!"

"One second!" She slid the cake into the over, the heat making her uncomfortable. "Have you set an alarm?"

"Doing that." Zatanna set an eggtimer for fifteen minutes. "Coming, Wally!"

"What was it you wanted to show us?"

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