Chapter 39 - Where I belong

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A sheepish smile stretched across Black Bear's face as they ceased their fight. "Where's Dr. Greene? I need to see her ASAP." I demanded, looking between the two males. "She's making her rounds. She'll come soon." Angelo answered, taking away the cup of water in my hand to replace it with hot water. I let out a small scream internally but leaned back into the pillows and prepared myself for the bombs I'm about to drop on the doctor.

Communicating with the ex warrior through our eyes, I silently asked him if Angelo knows about the situation we were in a couple of hours ago. I subtly nodded at his shaking head and got him to leave the room with a tilt of my chin. The ex warrior received the hint immediately and made an excuse to go and call Dr. Greene and  left the room.

"By the way, I'll agree to Rafael's proposal." I announced, earning Angelo's curious stare. He looked at me, albeit with questions running through his head. No doubt, Angelo would question my sudden willingness. But he don't need to know my reasons, because he wouldn't believe in them. It's alright, I will prove it to him. He can't tell me otherwise when I show him perfect evidences of Jessica Gold approaching him with an ulterior motives.

"Why?" Caution coloured Angelo's tone."Once she's gone, Rafael would go back to being the capable Valentine prince he used to be. It's something I want to see as much as you do." I said with genuine sincerity, stating the one outcome I truly desire.

However, it wasn't enough for the prince. "You hate Jessica Gold." He added. Not wrong there, Angelo. "Yes, I hate her but I care about Rafael more." I picked my words carefully, the prince is not easy to fool and if this step goes wrong, the entire plan will go to waste.

"As long as they don't meet, I suppose it will be the best ending for everyone. Though, there is no guarantee if I see her again." The direct threat against his girlfriend worked as I've expected as Angelo narrowed his eyes at me but said no further.

He gave a sharp nod of his head to show his acknowledgement and invited, "We are meeting for dinner later in his ward." The door opened when he was about to pull on the handle, revealing Black Bear and Dr. Greene. I frowned at his retreating figure, feeling a little unease. "Bear, keep an eye on Angelo for me. I don't think he trusts me entirely." I whispered into the ex warrior's ear and watched him leave the ward.

Even though we were dealing with his previous employer, Black Bear showed no signs of worry for the governor. He has remained supportive from the moment I told him about my plans. Perhaps he realised that I couldn't be stopped and the best way to help me is to be there for me.

Dr. Greene gave me a simple physical check and was about to discharge me when I interrupted her. "Dr. Greene, can I talk to you for a second?" Upon my request, the doctor only let out a sigh. She nodded her head and took a seat in the visitor's chair, waiting for me to begin.

"You know how I got my back scars." I started with something simple. The doctor nodded her head without hesitating. "I wasn't a hundred percent sure until..." She trailed off, her mind wandering off from us. "Until I had this headache." I guessed from her worried expression but the doctor shook her head. "Until you mentioned you have the same wind chime as me." She corrected, her eyes focused again.

My brows furrowed, not understanding the connection my wind chime had with my burnt scars. Obviously, they are two very different things. "Um, it's a door decoration, Dr. Greene. I don't see how-" The doctor only responded by holding up one hand. She walked out of the ward and returned with an envelope and the said instrument in her hand.

I stared at her, is she going to perform some kind of musical for me? Eyeing her warily, I let her have her way. The doctor swung the wind chimes gently and my mind immediately felt more relaxed. The second time she swung the instrument made all my problems and questions fall away and I slumped back against the propped up pillow, enjoying the peace.

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