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The dinner started at 8:00 pm sharp.

They had separate halls for where the bidders and their dates went and where the rest of us went. Mugen looked like he wanted nothing more to do than to fling a gloating Titania across the room.

I made him remember his promise about behaving for the night and he reluctantly followed her into dining hall A and I slowly made my way to dining hall B.

Nora and Ruben had promised to keep and eye on Titania to make sure she didn't try anything funny that would cause Mugen to kill her.

Can't have Mugen going to jail tonight. He's supposed to be blowing my back out later.

The clatter of plates, silverware, and people talking could be heard throughout the hall. The noise bounce against the walls in a continuous loop.

I sat at a table with Neagan, Falen, Emilia, Alex, Nonna, Megan, and Selena. Fiddy and Bon were stationed at the door just in case things went south.

"This night blows. I can't believe she had the audacity to bid on a man that clearly don't want her." Selena grumbled angrily, digging mercilessly into her steak.

"Table manner child. Table manners." Nonna chastised her and Selena waved her off.

"I wonder who's fault is it that's she's hanging on to these delusions." Falen cut her eyes at Megan.

"Let's not start this." Alex groaned. Massaging the corner of his eyes.

"Yes, let's let Megan get away with everything like you always do." Falen sat back and crossed her arms.

"Watch it young lady." Emilia warned.

"How about we all just enjoy the rest of this night. Please?" Neagan begged. I'm shocked at him. Normally he's the super peppy one always trying to get everyone to get along. Now he looks like he's over everyone's shit.

"What I tell you," Selena nudged me, "thee most ghettoest family of Italians."

I picked at my food. I been lost my appetite. My mind kept drifting off to Mugen. I wanted to check up in him. It's not like I wasn't allowed in dining hall A, it's just that all the tables and chairs were reserved and the staff sure ass wasn't going to let me bring a chair in there.

I sighed and kept reminding myself that this was only one night. But, I'm all to aware of just how fast the night can change.

"I say, we storm dining hall A, beat up Titania, then head out for drinks." Falen clapped. "Who's with me?"

"Don't you have a daughter to be getting sober for?" Megan looked at her incredulously. Falen opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it.

As I sit here listening to pointless bantering, the more I realize I want to be near Mugen. I just want to see him. Just a small peek. Yes. I'll do that.  Visit dining hall A, them come back.

I pushed my chair back and stood up. "I'll be right back."

"Going to harass your husband and his date?" Megan taunted.

"More like going to save her husband and get rid of the disease plaguing him." Selena said through a mouth full of food. "Want my boxcutter knife Ras? It's sharp."

"How the hell did you get in here with a knife?" Emilia gapped at her.

"The same way your mother in law got in here with a gun, a taser, and four hunting knives."

"Four?" I repeated at louder than I intended, earning the stares of a few. "Where are you hiding them?" I asked more lowly.

"You'd be surprised what type of necessities this can hold." She pulled a knife out of her hair and my jaw dropped.

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