I Was Afraid

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"Tyson." I gasped, stunned to see the ceo infront of me. "What are you doing here?" It's not everyday you see a powerful man strolling through the aisles of Family Dollar.

"I came here because I wanted to talk to you." His voice was gruff and his eyes were hard.

"How did you find me." I looked around the once crowded store that now looked barren. I mentally counted to 3 to calm my nerves. Something at the back of my mind screamed for me to run away.

"I have my sources."

Sources? So he's having me followed.

"You're mine and I need to make sure nothing happens to you."

What a fucking gentleman.

I took in a breath. "I'm not yours and there isn't much to say." I started to turn around but he yanked me closer towards him.

"Oh but it is much to say. Thousands upon thousands of words you need to hear. You seem to have forgotten who I was and it is now apparent that I must remind you." He spat with such venom and hatred.

I swallowed harshly and panicked. Something sinister was lurking in his eyes and I was terrified. There was an unlimited amount of things he could do to me and get away with and we both knew it.


"Shut the fuck up, bitch. I fucking own you. I paid for you. You are mine." He barked and some spit flew on my face.

"You do not own me." I tried snatching my hand away from him to no avail. "My father's debt is with you, not my mine. Marry him." I bit my lips to keep from crying out. His nails were digging in my skin and he easily towered over me. There was a crazed look in his eyes.

He wanted to hurt me.

"Let's go." He began dragging me to the front.


Go where?!

I tried to pry his grip off of me. It didn't loosen up. Instead it tightened. We passed the clerk who didn't even look up. Her magazine was more important than a distressed me in clear trouble.

So much for sisterhood and women sticking together.

We were in front of his car before I knew it. He wasted no time in shoving me in the passenger seat, slamming the door behind him. I banged against the window, kicked the door, tried opening it on my own. Nothing worked.

Damned child safety lock.

Tyson slid in the car and sped off immediately. I glared at the side of his face, livid. If he thought I was going to sit here and take this shit, he had another thing coming. I cocked my fist back and rammed it into the window. Pain shot through my body and I clutched my throbbing fist.

"You're wasting your time." Tyson didn't even look away from the road. I ignored him. I'm getting away from him one way or another. I'd break my hand if I had too. I sucked up whatever pain I felt in my hand and rammed it into the window again.

I screamed in pain. My hand was starting to feel numb but I didn't care.


The tears were falling rapidly and I struck the window again. The window took no damge but my hand felt torn apart and on fire. But, I didn't care.


I heard and felt the aching sound of one of my fingers breaking. I screamed bloody murder. By now my hands were bloody and blood was smeared across the window. Blood was dripping from my fist but oh well. I grit my teeth and cocked my fist back and rammed into the window again. At this point, my whole hand was numb.

I switched to the other hand.

"That's enough! Are you fucking crazy?!" Tyson caught a hold of my hand. "You're getting blood all over my goddamn car, you fucking psycho bitch." I let out a piercing scream. Fuck him, fuck him to infinity and beyond. I grabbed the steering and swerved the car into the other lane. Oncoming cars blared their horns in anger at my wasted efforts.

I'm aware this was stupid of me but what choice did I have. I was alone in the car with some psychopath who thought he owned me. My parents didn't care about me, Selena's at work, and I knew of no other person that could come to my aid. Who's going to help me other than me?

"I'm fucking tired of you." Tyson pried my hands off the steering and shoved me to the side. I didn't stop screaming or crying. I was praying that he would get annoyed and just toss annoying ol' me to the street curb and never speak to me again.

That didn't happen.

Instead I felt a sudden sharp pain on the left side of my face. Blood splattered out of my mouth and trickled down my nose. My ears rung like crazy and Tyson's yelling faded into the background. For what seemed like forever, all I could do was sit in a pool of my own blood and melancholy in stunned silence.

I can't believe he actually punched me.

Did I deserve this?


My whole body went numb. I could barely breathe. I gasped and I weazed. My chest rose up and down rapidly as I struggled to control my breathing but not a word nor sound escaped lips. I was too afraid to utter a goddamn word. I was too afraid at what was to come. I was too afraid of what he was going to do to me.

I was afraid.

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