One Last Time

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I was debating if I should post this right now or not but eh.....I don't know if anything in this chapter is triggering but just in case, I'm putting a trigger warning at the top. Read with caution and if you find anything upsetting then skip over it.

"Tyson, stop." I begged. He's been digging his foot in my ribs for the past 5 minutes. After he had his way with me in front of those awful men, he was about to let them do the same until he decided not to at the last minute.

I was not complaining.

He instead insisted that I was his and he wouldn't allow anyone else to touch me until he had his fill.

Whatever that meant.

I had thought we were going back to his mansion but we pulled up to some shabby and suspicious looking warehouse. My heart drop. Surely no one would be able to find me or know that I went missing. Mugen won't be back for a while and Simran ratted me out so she wouldn't speak of it. I didn't get a chance to contact Selena so I'm all alone. Who knows how long he'll keep me alive? Who knows if he'll try to sell me?

Tyson gripped my hair and dragged me out of van. I was limp and could barely protest. I fought as hard as I could and that earned me a punch in the face.

I felt my everything going numb and my eyelids becoming heavy. Another intense blow and I'd pass out. I didn't want to imagine what they'd do to me if I was unconscious so because of that, I needed to stay awake.

"You must take me for a fool." Tyson continued dragging me to the warehouse. His men trailed behind us looking around. Scooping the area I assumed. "I bet you thought you seen the last on me huh you fucking whore."

I remain silent. That irritated him. He pulled me up to his face. I bit my lip to keep from crying out. I didn't want him to hit me again.

"Why so silent?" He sneered. "Has Mugen stole your tongue." I expected him to know where I was hiding. Still, I could not stop my face from alluding surprise. I hated giving him that satisfaction. "You didn't think I'd find out, you dirty whore. Well since you like being a whore so much, just you wait."

He threw me into the warehouse. I tumbled and rolled until I reached the middle. The foulest stench buzzed around like an unwelcoming host. I gaged and coughed, trying my best to contain the breakfast in my stomach that desperately wanted out. Tyson slammed the door shut and everything went black. I collapsed and gave in to the darkness.

How did this come to happen?


I felt cold water being splashed on me. I woke up and saw Tyson standing in front of me looking irked as ever. I was restrained to a chair that allowed not even the simplest of movements. This is why I didn't want to pass out. Because shit like this would happen. But if we're being honest, it would have happened even if I was awake.

"Wakey wakey you good for nothing wife." Tyson snarled at me. I said nothing back. "Good to see you still somewhat remember what your place is. Don't worry though, I'm going to beat the full understanding into you so you'll never forget."

Trust me Tyson, I could never forget all you did to me even if I wanted to. I've tried.

"Before I do," he circled around me, "out of curiosity, did that Holt bastard by any chance fuck you. Is that why you thought running away to him would save you? You do realize you'd be nothing but a mere fuck to him to ease his boredom. You're not worth anything for him to catch feelings. You're nothing but a good for nothing slut that no one wants."

"Mind your own business." I snapped with sudden confidence, knowing it was a dangerous chance to take. I just didn't like the way he spoke of Mugen's character. Even if I was just a fuck to him, Mugen is still miles above Tyson even on his worst day. "You boldly claim no one wants me but you took time out of your day to search for me for a month. Clearly you do want me."

Tyson stopped in front of me with the meanest look I've ever seen on his face but I didn't let that discourage me. What could he do to me that he already hasn't done to me?

"You're just mad that Mugen got a taste and you're also scared that he may have enjoyed it, enough to want more. Enough to keep me around long enough to fall in love." I continued with a smug look. "You're also jealous of Mugen and his reputation and the power he holds. It's something that you'll never have no matter how much influence you acquire. You're nothing but a sad and entitled little boy who uses fear to get what he wants but once that fear runs out, you're just a little boy throwing a temper tantrum."

Tyson gritted his teeth and grabbed a fistful of my hair. He yanked down hard, bending my neck and pulling out a few strands. He raised a knife to my face in an attempt to scare me but like I said, take away the fear and he's nothing. I won't allow myself to fear him any longer. Mugen could do way worse to me then he ever could.

Tyson brought my face close to his, thinking I was done talking but he had another things coming. "For the record, he did fuck me. In various ways and positions your insufficient dick couldn't." I gloated even though we haven't fucked yet. I did it just to see his face full of pure utter hatred and jealousy before he did whatever he was going to do to me. "Just a tip, you don't have the qualifications to compare yourself to Mugen nor the range to compete so get over your little inferior complex and stop hating on top tier dick."

"You bitch." He cocked his arm far back and slapped me. Blood was spraying from my nose and mouth as I fell down with the chair. "You arrogant bitch."

He kicked at my stomach and I screamed. "Did getting fucked so good give you some useless courage you spiteful bitch. I'm better than that motherfucker in every way! Why do you think I was able to get you back! You can kiss his precious dick goodbye because mine is the last you'll feel before you die."

I chuckled through cracked ribs. I wouldn't allow myself to be the only one being tormented. If I couldn't get him physically, I'd get him mentally. "How ironic you assume I'd be able to actually feel that limp shit."

His face morphed into something sour. He raised his foot over my arm and slammed down hard on it. I screamed with everything in me, feeling the dislocation in my shoulder.

"You made a mockery of me for the last time." He picked the chair up and sat it straight. My head hung low. My face was swollen and blood was oozing out of my nose. I felt my energy draining. I'd pass out again soon.

"You mocked yourself with your wackass personality and that flop ass company that you needed Mugen's help to revive." I sassed and spat blood on him.

Tyson wiped his face silently and grabbed my jaw with his fingers to force me to look at him. "You must think you'll have the last laugh, fucking bitch. You know I thought about all the things I could do to you to make you pay. I considered letting every man I knew fuck you for however long they wished but that wouldn't work because you'd just enjoy it wouldn't you, you slut." He was really pissed. I didn't cower away. I met his glare head on with one of my own.

"I could have sold you but then I wouldn't get the satisfaction of seeing you beg and cry for mercy." He grabbed one of my fingers and bent it back. I bit down on my lips long enough to keep from crying out but when it snapped, I couldn't contain my screams of agony. My body was sore all over.

"So." He bent another finger and my cries echoed through the room. "I decided to torture you for as long as I possibly can until you die. I'd keep you alive but barely. I'd take my sweet time carving my hostility into your brain. Expect beatings, little to no food, getting your asshole pounded by any object I can find, oh and pain. Lots of pain."

To demonstrate what he meant by torture, he took pliers out and ripped the fingernail off my finger. I could no longer scream. My voice was gone and my consciousness was soon following.

"I'm done for today." He threw the fingernail in my lap. "I don't want to wear you down too much today and have to die off early."

He got close to my face with a snark look. "You feeling brave still?"

I mustered what little bit off strength I had to spit on him again. He faltered slightly.

"Bitch." He growled. He cocked his fist back and then rammed it into my face.

The lights went out.

God, if it's not too much to ask, I'd like to see Mugen.

One last time.

His Name Is MugenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum