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I dropped to the ground and coughed violently, holding my throat. Tears were streaming down my face. I glanced at my father. A large bullet would resided in the middle of his forehead.

It was a clean shot.

I heard footsteps and froze.

"That was quite a father daughter moment." I turned around and looked at him with widened eyes. "Almost brought tears to my eyes." He had his hands outstretched, waiting for me.

"Mugen." I jumped into his arms and he caught me. I cried into his chest. He kisses my head repeatedly.

"I'm sorry I'm late." He whispered. He slowly made his lips to mine and we kissed. I melted into his warmth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Tighter. I didn't want to leave his side. He had one hand on my waist and another tangled in my hair.

I pulled myself back and looked at him. I saw frustration and worried creases in his forehead. He stared back at me with happiness and relief.

He rested his forehead on mine.

"We might have to reschedule our appointment that was tonight." I laughed miserably. My throat hurts and my body felt weak.

He scoffed but didn't protest. "Let's get you to safety. By the way." He pointed towards my dad. "Sorry."

I deadpanned at him. "No you're not."

"I'm really not," he nodded, "but I felt it's most appropriate to say in this situation." He paused. "Do you hate me?"

"No. I probably would have end up doing it too if I had a gun." I shrugged.

"Alright well, there's some things I wish you hadn't seen. Even more things I don't want you to ever see so I need to get you out of here." He held me in front of him.

"Fiddy and Mathew-."

"Taken care of. You have nothing to worry about. Selena, Nora, and your sister are waiting for you."

Relief flooded into my body. I nearly went limp.

I turned around in his arms. "Where's Titania?" I noticed she wasn't latched onto him like the leech she was.

He averted his eyes. "Here and there."

"What does that mean?"

He guided me along, refusing eye contact. "This and that."

I looked at him in suspicion. "What did you do?"

"I behaved as long as I could. Ask anyone." He defend.

"Did you-."

"Freeze." Two men burst open through the exit. We didn't stop walking because they dropped like flies after Mugen shot them both in the head.

"Are headshots all you can do?" I frowned at the pool of blood we'd soon have to walk through. I'm barefoot for God's sake.

"Heavens no." He said it so casually. "I'm already dissatisfied that I have to soil my hands in front of you. I don't want to scare you by doing things the way I usually do, so a quick and easy kill shot is the best way to go. I suppose it's in their favor that you're here. If you weren't, I would have nailed certain people to the walls and burn this whole building down with everyone in it."

I don't doubt that.

Another person came through the exit but stopped at the sight on two bloody bodies in the floor.

His Name Is Mugenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن