Off to a Good Start

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"You trust me?" Fiddy asked through the noise.

"No!" I screamed.

"Good. That means you have some intelligence worth praising." He grinned at me. I scowled at him. "Backup is coming through the hall doors so once their attention shifts, we're hauling ass. You need to be ready." He pulled out a clip from his pockets and counted bullets.

"We have just enough to get by so don't pull any of your stubborn shit." He glared.

"Where's Bon?"

"Bringing the backup."

"If they're gonna be occupying the hall doors, how the hell are we getting out of here?"

"The doors right there." He posted to a set of doors barley 35 feet away from us. "They lead to the kitchen and once we get in the kitchen, we can get out. Stop asking questions and just do as I say." He barked.

I had enough of him. "Give me a gun."

"Hell no."

"Why? I need to protect myself!"

"If I give you the gun you'll just run off looking for your husband thinking that you're invincible now that you have a weapon."

Couldn't argue with him there.

I frowned and slumped on the floor. I refused to look around me because of all the dead bodies and blood that decorated the floor. It was sickening.

Fiddy pressed on his Bluetooth, listening intently to his orders. Not from Mugen by the way. He was unreachable and that worried me in more ways than one.

"They're here. Get up." Fiddy instructed. I crouched next to him waiting for his signal. A new sounds of gunshots could be heard. Just as lethal and cruel but this time, on our side. I heard shouts of threats coming from both side.

"Here." Fiddy took a gun hidden under his dress pants and held it out for me to take.

Was this is trick?

I eyed it suspiciously.

"Take the gun. It's for your protection just incase something happens."

I rolled my eyes but nonetheless took it. "It could have sworn you thought I was gonna run away with the gun."

"Just don't embarrass yourself thinking you're Janes Bond or some shit." He took his blazer and wrapped it around me. It smelled like wine and lasagna. "Stay within your lane and you'll be fine. Ready?"

"Ready." I smiled cheekily. The men who stormed the hall were preoccupied and didn't pay any attention to the remaining survivors that were now looking to an escape route. I couldn't stay to help them so I hope that they'd somehow follow me and Fiddy out.

Fiddy signaled that we'd go on 5. He counted down with 1 hand. I tried to slow my breathing and pace myself. I was a nervous wreck. I was drenched in sweat and slightly panicking. This dress was not made for running but I ditched the heels a long time ago.


Deep breaths.


Stay calm.


You can do this.


I hope everyone is okay.



I hiked up my dress and ran while Fiddy shot at whomever. I burst through the kitchen doors, not stopping for anyone or anything. Fiddy was behind, guiding me along to safety. On the other side of the kitchen was a door that was connected to the museum. Up ahead was the auction hall. That's where Bon was waiting for us.

His Name Is Mugenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن