The Perfect Place

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I was lying on my back on top of the spanking table with my clothes on. Mr. Rogers wanted to "take his time" in removing my dress to "better the mood". He was happy that I complied without complaints but really I was just waiting for the opportunity to stab him in the neck with one of the broken spikes that I slipped into my hand.

His hands traveled up my legs like a slithering snake. I swallowed my pride and the bile in my throat.

I had to do this.

His fingers were cold and froze my exterior. I couldn't look at him. I closed my eyes and counted the bullets wound in my heart made by my parents. I made bad decisions with the voices in my head and came to the conclusion that murder was the best option. I gripped the spike tightly. I needed to distance my soul from my conscious. I'd become a murderer tonight.

His hands were on my thighs, millimeters from my womanhood. I squeezed my legs shut but he pried them open.

I can do this.

He raised a hand to cup my right breast.

I can't do this.

I gripped the spike so tight I drew blood. My own blood. I wondered how it would feel to draw his blood. Sweat coated my forehead. My eyes were glazing over. I had convinced myself this was my only choice. My adrenaline was rushing.

My dress was mostly lifted up and my body was exposed to his manipulation. He laid his head on my stomach. I counted to 1. He told me I was beautiful. I brought the spike above his head. One swift motion and I'd be free. I'd take his wallet, catch a train to nowhere, and live my best life in solitude.

There was a knock at the door. We both jerked up and I hid the spike behind my back.

Saved by the bell, I won't become a fugitive tonight!

"Um, sir?" The timid voice behind the door spoke. "A man is insisting on meeting with you. I tried sending him away but he said he is a friend of yours and the woman."

"Dammit." Mr. Rogers sucked his teeth. He gave me a rueful look in hopes that I'd share his disappointment. I did not.

I casually slid off the table and pulled my dress down. This interruption was a blessings as well as a curse. Who knows if Tyson offered my body to some other male behind my back. I'm nothing more than a used condom to these men.

"We will continue this later, okay?" Mr. Rogers had the biggest puppy dog eyes that I wanted to gauge out. Eyes so beautiful do not belong on a character so ugly. I said nothing. "Stay here. I'll only be a minute." He slipped through the door and locked it. At least he knew that I'd try to leave. Smart man.

I pranced around the room for about 5 minutes going over my options once again. I could attack him the minute he walked through the door or hide behind the door and rush out the minute he walks in. Ultimately each option ended with me stabbing him.

There was a jerk at the doorknob so I cut the lights and scampered in place. I'd hide behind the door and stab him in the neck from behind once he walked in.

The door slowly opened. It was now or never.

He entered but didn't turn on the light which worked out great for me. The less he saw the easier it was to do. He stepped further into the room and I tiptoed up to him ready to give him the decisive blow.

"You are terrible at hiding and even more so at suppressing your kill intent." I froze. Not because he knew what I was trying to do but because it wasn't Mr. Rogers. It was someone far worse.

"Did you think he wouldn't be able to notice that the lights went out and conclude that you would try something heinous?"

You know, that never crossed my mind.

"Are you trying to die?" He swiftly turned around and snatched the spike from my hands. I stepped back. The door was open. I could bolt out of here with not a look back but even in the darkness, there was something so overwhelming about his presence that I couldn't bring myself to move a muscle.

"I believe I told you that I was." I said in monotone.

"I remember." He grabbed me by my arm. The skin to skin contact was electrifying and my heart developed a feverish burn in response. I struggled to contain the shudders that were pounding through my veins. He pushed me backwards until my back was up against the now closed door. He turned on the lights and for the first time I could see his face vividly.

I counted every freckle on his cheek, I studied the stubble along his jaw line, I absentmindedly traced his lips and subconsciously felt them on me, I worshiped those eyes like the God that forsakened me.

'Majestic. Godly. Beautiful.' Was all I could think.

"I need you alive." He said. He was pokerfaced and I couldn't read him at all. Was he being serious or fucking with my deteriorating state of mind? I bit my lip in intense worry but overwhelming curiosity. The urge to touch him was unbareable. We were so close but yet worlds apart.

"Who are you?" I wondered aloud.

"I am Mugen." His voice was calm and refreshing like the summer breeze as opposed to my uneasy and erratic heart. "I am the fear within your breast, the violence in all your skies, the stillness in your wavering breath, the source of all your growing madness, the clobbering beast entering your cage, the dormant lie twisting your wicked tongue. Who are you?" He was sizing me up and inspecting every inch of my being. I was a lost cause under his scrutiny.

I gulped. He was dangerous and who knew what he'd do to me. "I'm no one important. One could forget me in a day." I had hoped he'd forget me and let me leave.

"Who could forget you after coming face to face with all your beauty. You're an irresistible Black Rose that commands respect. I'll always remember you so long as you never leave me, so stay with me." He released me. I stared at him stupidly and dumbfoundedly.

What the hell is he talking about?

"Come. We have a special guest for dinner." He took my hand and led me out the room.

Guest? This isn't even his house.

"Did he touch you?" He? "Did that walrus touch you?" He gripped the hell out of my hand.

"Somewhat." I ignored the pain. I couldn't tell if he was angry or not. His voice was as steady as ever.

"Did he now?" Mugen lead me to into the kitchen. "Evening Bill, nice of you to join us." We walked passed Mr. Rogers who was naked and tied up on the dining table. Tears were rolling down Mr. Rogers' cheek and he was trying to speak but his mouth was duct taped shut. I didn't know what to say so I remained silent. 4 armed men stood in the corners of the kitchen looking alert and dangerous.

"Ignore them. You can relax because no harm will come to you." Mugen assured me. He pulled out my seat and I hesitatingly sat down. Mugen sat down beside me and had yet to release my hand. "Dinner please."

Cooks came from out of the back room with trays of food that I didn't even recognize. They placed a large lobster in front of me and my eyes nearly popped out of its sockets. I was speechless.

Mugen had no problem digging into the food. This man enjoyed his meal without a care in the world while I just couldn't help but squirm at Mr. Rogers every so often. He was tied up like a pig on a tray ready to be served for the feast.

"You're stiff." Mugen commented. "Why?"

"So I'm just supposed to ignore the naked human on the dinner table?"

"Yes." He said with a straight face.

"I don't think that's possible." I twiddled my thumbs together.

"Shall we go somewhere else then?" Mugen got up from his seat.

"Yes please." I stood up.

"Okay. I know the perfect place." Perhaps years from now I'll look back on this day and ask myself why I willingly went with a man I did not know and why I felt my heart tug every time he spoke to me. Until then, I continued following him into his car to the perfect place I guess to die.

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