A Night Out in Miami part 4

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Wait, y'all do know her name ain't Titanium right? Sarasi was just being petty. Her name is Titania 😭😭😭😭

"I already knew you had it in you. You had my respect the day we met." Fiddy spent the last 5 minutes praising me. Turns out he and Bon saw the whole ordeal with me and Titania and they thoroughly enjoyed it.

Bon, who used to speak to me like it was a chore, was now talking to me with respect. It's quite a nice feeling to know a bunch of mercenaries respect you for sticking up for yourself.

Makes you feel badass.

We were huddled in the corner at a small standing table. Fiddy and Bon were taking shots and I was drinking apple cider. The auction started but I wasn't interested in anyone's but Mugen's.

A list of people had already been auction off. Neagan bid on a few just to add spice to the competition. Ruben bid on his wife who was being auctioned off and won a night with her. Megan bid on someone but didn't win. The night was drawling out.

I held the ice pack to my cheek. "She deserved it. I'm so sick of everyone giving me their shit and expecting me to take it." I huffed angrily. I'm angry and upset that I allowed that bitch to bring me out of character but even angrier that I didn't get to do enough damage.

"You need to chill. You want to take a shot?" Bon offered.

"No." I frowned, though it would be nice to get wasted and blur the noise of the auction around me. "I hate alcohol."

Bon gasped and held a hand to his heart in astonishment. "How could you hate alcohol." He was acting like I committed a crime or something.

I shrugged. "It taste nasty and I don't like the consequences that come along with getting wasted."

"The key is being able to hold your liquor." Fiddy said, taking a shot.

"Well that isn't exactly my strong suit."

"So you've been drunk before?" Bon asked.

"Yes. My ex used to force me to drink with him and when I got kidnapped, a crazy bastard obsessed with Hennessey forced me to drink it it." My hands flew to my mouth and I stared wide eyed at Fiddy. "I'm sorry I didn't mean-."

"Why are you apologizing about him." He chuckled.

"I'm not apologizing about him. I'm apologizing because he's a sick fucker but I'm not sure how you feel about it."

Bon slapped the table in laughter and Fiddy threw his head back.

"I see why the Holts keep you close." Fiddy clutched his stomach. "You funny as hell."

I scowled at him. I wasn't trying to be funny.

"Hennessey's dead by the way. Your husband skinned him and fed him to ants or something." Fiddy shrugged. "He also took my eye and mailed it to my mother."

My mouth dropped. "That's.....heavy." They burst into laughter again. I rolled my eyes and sipped my drink.

A familiar name called my attention towards the stage. The person being auctioned off went by the name Gaige Holt. The Holt name isn't common so who was this guy? Could he be a brother of Mugen?

By why wouldn't Mugen mention him? Unless he hates him like he hates Megan. Come to think of it, he hadn't mentioned Megan to me either.

Gaige was auctioned off to some random old lady for 10 million. He stepped off the stage and met the lady who bid so much money on him. I wondered how much Mugen was going to be bid on.

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