Fever part 1

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It was his silhouette that I was bound to. It was his soul that I was caught in. I was developing a fever for him with chills running amok. It burned in the most pleasurable way, the way his skin clung to mine. Life was good. I was good.

He had a surprise for me. One that I was anticipating greatly. I found myself checking my watch every one minute interval. I was restless and impatient whereas he seemed to enjoy the dragging of the day. He even suggested various things we could possibly do to pass time.

I'll leave you to guess them on your own.

He had a smirk plastered across his face and was reaching for me. I ran away from him so fast.
I called Selena. I needed to pass the time before I lost my mind and to be away from Mugen. I was huddled in my personal room's walk in closet keeping a close lookout for the man with insatiable hunger.

"Si, Mami." She answered.

"I'm going crazy!"

"That's what happens when you start getting sophisticated dick. You start to question everything you once had before him and suddenly you're wondering if your whole life has been a lie."

I massaged my forehead. "That's not what I meant."

"It doesn't matter I'm afraid. Either way, this man is going to ruin you."

I didn't doubt that.

"So why did you call?" She asked. "He didn't pull a Simran did he?"

"No." I frowned. I was slightly offended that she'd even suggest that but I shrugged it off. "He has a surprise for me but I have to wait until tonight and it's killing me."

"So what'd you call me for?"

"To help pass time!"

"Girl, if you don't go ride that man until the sun sets so you won't have to do it later." She laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Why every time I call you about a man it turns into a conversation about sex."

"Because that's what men are, honey." She claimed. "Big handsome walking sex machines, sometimes with large bank accounts."

"You know what," I gritted my teeth in annoyance, "forget it. I'm hanging up."

"Nooo." She wailed over the phone. "I'm bored and you're going to be busy with Mugen tonight and most definitely tomorrow anyways so you need to entertain me until then."

"And why would I be busy with Mugen tomorrow?"

"It's your birthday, dumbass." She said in a duh tone. My jaw dropped. I smacked myself repeatedly in the head calling myself stupid. "Uh, Ras? You okay there?"

"Of course! How could I be so stupid to forget my own birthday." I gasped. I stopped looking forward to birthdays years ago because all they did was remind me that I was closer to death and closer to becoming my own mistake. At lot has been going on since I met Mugen so I haven't been paying attention to the minor details.

"Who forgets their own birthday." Selena muttered. "Especially one as iconic as yours."

I sighed. I was born on September 11th. Now before the New York attack, it was a regular day but afterwards it became this huge ordeal. Thankfully, my family never lost anyone but everyone around me made it seem like we had.

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