Chapter 31- "Brave deserves the fair..."

Start from the beginning

Aliya: (Still in a frolic mood) "What? Are you serious? Manik was carrying Gattu in his lap and for this reason, you have a doubt about his sexuality? Oh my I understood. That's why you were asking about Dhruv's preference. are too much. But wait...Gattu Singh and Manik?....Really? That means Gattu has a relationship with both...Navya and now Manik? A woman and a man...that means...."

Cabir: (In a stubborn tone) "I can vouch on Navya. She is innocent. That Gattu Singh is only creating all problems."

Aliya: (With flared nostrils) "Now this confusion is crossing all limits. Mukti is right. We have to find out the truth. Bhai, you don't discuss anything with Navya on your date. It can create more confusion and problem. Let me handle it. Mr Gattu aware of Mukuliya detective agency. You are so dead."

Cabir was looking at his hostile sister but couldn't gather the courage to ask about this new heard 'Mukuliya detective agency.' Sometimes it is better to be only a spectator.


Manik's Office: Conference room: 12 pm:

All the VPs, AVPs and some Board of Directors were present in the conference room. Manik, Navya and of course Soha were sitting in their respective seats. In a few minutes, the final presentation of the upcoming project was going to be started. Manik looked at Navya and she blinked indicating she has already done her job. A mischievous smile crept on his lips. "I wish you were here, Nandu to see her humiliation." He uttered in mind and glanced at Soha with a smirk.

One of the VPs: "So let's start Ms Sanyal. I think we all are here."

Soha nodded at him and cleared her throat.

Soha: "Before starting, I want to clear something. As we all know this project is consisting of 5 VPs, 5 AVPs including me, Mr Manik Malhotra as Chief Architect and some other officers. The deadline was yesterday for submitting all designs, quotation charts, vendor names etc. But unfortunately, Mr Malhotra couldn't submit his work on time and I had to finish his work. It was very unprofessional as I relied on him."

All the other members looked at Manik with annoyance and disappointment. Soha may have thought that Manik would oppose but he was looking at her coolly. On the other hand, Navya was fuming. If Manik hadn't forbidden her she would have countered all these lies. Soha continued,

Soha: But we had to finish it in time so that I consulted with a freelancer architect and got it done within the timeline. This guy has done an excellent job as I have gone through his work and approved without the permission of the Board of Directors and other VPs. I am sorry for that but I had no other option as the time was very less."

A Director and a VP: "Okay, that is not an issue but can we see the designs now? That is more important. We will discuss the other matters later."

Soha: (Got up from her seat) "Sure..."

She took out a Pendrive and inserted it in the LED hanging on the wall. Slowly the presentation started and proceeded. But after a couple of minutes when the main designs were getting displayed on the screen a buzz started among the members.

Unanimous mumble: "What the rubbish!... These designs don't have the basic architectural knowledge. Who made it?.... It's utter trash...Are we here to appreciate these kinds of good-for-nothing work?"

On the other side, the expression of Soha was worth watching. She blanched and couldn't get what went wrong with her plan. Suddenly Manik rose from his chair and said in a confident tone.

Manik: "There is a big mistake in everything. First of all, I submitted all my works in time despite being informed that I am not a part of this project anymore. As proof, I can show the mail. Secondly, as I know the company can't hire any new architect without the approval of the Chief Architect. But here Ms Soha did this and I was told that it is the decision of all members. Last but not the least, can we know the name of that freelancer architect who has done all this trash? Because as per my understanding he or she didn't do it without payment and if the company has already paid him or her for this excellent rubbish then we are really fools."

The room was buzzing with all dissatisfactory comments and most of them were for Soha's lies and her blundersome acts.

One of the Directors: " Ms Soha, how could you make the decision without even discussing with other members whether Mr Malhotra will be a part of this project anymore or not? He has been doing brilliantly in this company so far and that's why he is here."

Other Director: "How could you approve this trash for such an important project? And I agree with Mr Malhotra...who is that person? Did the company pay him already? If yes then I want to know the figure and the detail."

Till now it was all finished for Soha. She was standing like a statue because she couldn't believe that she can be exposed so mercilessly.

One of the VPs: "We can talk over all these points later but right now it is more important how can we proceed further? Where are the designs?"

Manik: (With an assurance) "All designs are already made, Sir. Here are they."

He took out a Pendrive from his pocket and fixed it in the LED. After half an hour of presentation, the room was echoing with all appreciation words and clapping.

Unanimous voices: "Excellent....out of the box...brilliant...our company will acquire superb praise and fame by this project. Congratulations Mr Malhotra. You have done an excellent job."

In return, Manik was only humbly nodding. Though his all concentration was on Soha's pale face. Before ending the meeting one of the Board of Directors asked Soha to come into his cabin. With a feeble smile, she nodded. Now the conference room was quite empty. All the Board of directors, VPs and other members left. In fact, Navya also left after congratulating Manik with a big bright smile. She couldn't even wait to tell this to Nandini. Manik neared Soha who was now sitting on the chair bending her head like a defeated player.

Manik: "Sorry for everything Ms Sanyal but you left me with no other options. By the way, you should keep this proverb in your mind...always...Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. Because today you fell into your own grave which you created for me. All the best. I hope now you have understood who the Manik Malhotra is?"

He left the cabin leaving behind a wounded snake.

Soha: (Hissed in a venomous voice) "And you should keep this proverb in your mind Mr Manik Malhotra that one swallow doesn't make a summer and nothing ends forever. You didn't do any good for you by messing with me. Just wait and watch."

Her eyes were beaming with a sinister smile.

Author's note: This chapter is dedicated to 000_aamira  for the best comment and Reena_baloo as the first follower of the week. Like this chapter, I will dedicate my next chapter to the first follower of this week and the reader who will comment the best. Love you all.❤❤❤

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