65. Rude Ryan

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3 am...

Ryan hasn't been able to sleep throughout the night every since the situation with Dre & Demetrius. She sleeps no longer than 4hrs a night.

She was wide awake, watching movies in the living room the whole night. Keith slept peacefully in the bed.

Ryan jumped a bit once she heard a noise. Ro' appeared from the darkness.

"Ryan?" She walked closer rubbing her eyes.

"It's me Mom." She said.

"What are we watching?" Ro' snuggled under the blanket with Ryan.

Ryan side eyed her. "...Cartoons."

Ro' sighed. "Relax Im not upset." She took Ryan's hand and examined the ring. "It's beautiful, looks expensive as hell too." Ro' smirked.

"Thanks." Ryan said staring at the ring herself.

"And a baby huh?" Ro' asked.

Ryan didn't say anything.

Ro' looked at Ryan, "Look.. I know I made you promise to get married first but I don't want you to feel like you have to do this. And also.. A baby doesn't keep two people together Ryan."

Ryan nodded thinking about how Ro' just didn't understand. It's alot she doesn't even know, how many times Keith saving her life.

Keith beating up whatever guy got in Ryan's way or caused her pain. Justin, Luke, Quincy & Dre.

Ro' has seen a few things online due to the fans sending her things after a while she learned to stop checking. she knew how the industry was so she never questioned much.
Keith has also waited for her, yes he entertained other women in his spare time. But he has always chosen Ryan over any woman he's fooled around with.

Ryan touched her ring.

At that moment Ryan realized .. if she was to marry anyone it should be Keith.

"He proposed as soon as we found out... It just happened so fast.. he already had the ring mom." Ryan looked at Ro', "Apparently he bought it 2 weeks after we made it official again.. My point is, We aren't doing this for you but we also agreed to make this work for the baby."

Ro' smiled a bit. "Im so proud of you sweetie." She touched Ryan's chin.

Ryan smiled herself fighting the lump in her throat. "I was gonna tell you I swear."

"I know." Ro' nodded. Ro' grew emotional. "My baby is going to be a mommy."

"And a wife." Ryan chuckled flashing her ring. Ryan saw Ro' eyes get watery. "Mom stoppp. Please don't cry Mom." Ryan laughed a bit.

"Im not gonna cry... Oh Ryan." Ro' grabbed both Ryan's hands. Ryan grew emotional by this whole mother and daughter moment, Ro' wiped Ryan's tears. "You okay?" Ro' chuckled & so did Ry.

"I thought you were gonna be so mad." Ryan wiped her eyes again.

Ro' hugged Ryan, "When am I ever mad at you anymore?"

Ryan thought about it, Ro' doesn't really get upset anymore.

Ryan nodded. "Your right."

Ro' lifted a brow. "So how long did you know?"

"It's only been a week."

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