35. Sensitive Topics

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Moments Later...

"And my homework is super easy so Im not worried." Gaby said and blew out some smoke.

Ryan has her eyes glued to her phone right now.

It's a short film of Luke & Jude's Halloween Party.

Ryan smiled as she saw a few of the guys joke around on the short video.

"Hellooooo?" Gaby called & waved her hand infront of Ryan's phone.

"What?" Ryan asked and kept her eyes on her phone.

"So, Do you want to help me?"

Ryan looked at her, Gaby knew she had no clue of what she was talking about.

"The mid-terms? I need a study partner."

"Sorry Im a bit busy." Ryan got up and walked into her own room. Ryan layed on her bed and sighed.

Gaby went to check on Ryan.

"Yo, You okay?" Gaby asked.

"If you ask me that one more time Gaby...." Ryan closed her eyes. "Im sure Jay can help you study."


"For what Gaby?" Ryan sat up.

"For asking. For just trying to be there for you." Gaby walked out of the room.

"No–" Ryan coverer her face. "Gaby."

No response.

"I didn't mean it like that!"

She layed back on the bed and let out a loud groan.

She feels like she's pushing everyone around her away. She just has alot to deal with at the moment & studying isn't one of them.

Ryan grabbed her phone and called Lauren.


I stopped brushing my teeth & answered the facetime call.

The call is from Meena, Kevin's girlfriend. Yes, She went back to him. The day she found out that Payton is actually Kevin's daughter, upset Meena, she left Kevin and returned a few days later.

"Hi KP!" The tiny voice called.

Keith spit into the sink & picked up the phone. "Payton?"

Payton smiled. "Hiiii."

"Wass–Hey, I–what are you up to?" Keith got choked up. He hasn't seen her or heard her voice since the day at court.

"Im with Meena & Kevin." Payton turned around the camera and showed them in front of the car.

Keith noticed how she doesn't call Kevin 'dad' just yet so he feels a bit better and less salty about the situation today.

"Where are yall going?" He asked.

"I don't know." She shrugged.

He laughed a bit, "have you been good?"

"No." She covered her face.

Payton will tell the truth even if it's on herself, Keith shook his head, "you gotta be good for your pops."

"I miss you." Payton poked out her lip.

"I miss you too Princess."

"Maybe I can come visit you & Jade this weekend."

Keith scratched his head. "Maybe... I have to see."

Do You Mind? The sequel| Keith Powers & Ryan Destiny| Where stories live. Discover now