45. Mission Accomplished.

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I woke up & he was gone.
All his stuff too.

Im not gonna freak out, maybe his flight just came early & he didn't have time to say goodbye.

I didn't even get a kiss goodbye.

I got my day started with a shower & I ate 2 waffles.

I finished my waffles in the kitchen & trashed the napkins. I felt a ball of fur tickle my feet.

I picked up the kitten.

"I know your hungry." I said placing a kiss on his head. Her loud purring is like music to my ears.

My phone began to ring. It's my mom facetiming me.

I answered the call & as I made the cats food.

"Ryan?" Jilly called.

"Jilly?" I made a face at the phone.

She smiled and waved. "Hey."

"Wh-what are you doing? Is my mom okay?" I rushed to the phone.

"Yeah? Did you wanna talk to her instead or ..something?" Jilly's eyebrows frowned, she got the wrong idea of why I asked.

I sighed. "Jilly I thought something was wrong with her... you never called me before." Ryan touched her chest.

"Oh. Sorry. I called to show you my new ipad but I just noticed I can't actually show you." Jilly laughed covering her face.

I laughed a bit myself & stopped when I noticed my mom's name popped up when she called. "But–"

"It was your mom's ... she said I can have it." Jilly smiled. "She'll take her icloud off in a minute."

I nodded & I looked over and saw the cat sitting there staring at me.

Right, the food.

I picked him up. "So Jilly, I told you Im a mom now right?"

"No?" Jilly made a face.

I showed her the kitten.

"Awww whats her name?!" Jilly smiled so big like it was her cat.

I laughed at her reaction but immediately stopped when I realized I didn't even give my cat a name.


I kicked my door open and threw my bag of clothes on the couch.

My phone vibrated and it was Charlotte. Can't catch a break frm this chick.

Charlotte; Hey love

I locked my phone and continued to make sure my house is straight, I didn't want Vanessa taking anymore than she should have.

I walked upstairs and saw the portrait of us on my wall was shattered. Glass all over the stairs. A high heel was used to break the glass since it was a print on the painting.

Do You Mind? The sequel| Keith Powers & Ryan Destiny| Where stories live. Discover now