9. A bit too fast/ too fast.

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Quincy stopped the ending credits and muted the tv. Ryan looked at him.

"Why'd you mute it?" She asked.

"Because.... It's 8 and it's time to get going." Quincy showed Ryan the time on his phone.

She sighed. "Right."

"Why don't you want to meet your grandmother?" Quincy asked.

She shrugged. "I hate being reminded that I was given away... it makes me feel unwanted."

"I can understand that." He nodded and got up putting on his shoes.

"Wait you're leaving?" she asked.

"Yeah. You have somewhere to be & I'm just gonna go workout or something." He shrugged. "Call me and let me know how it goes?"

"Orrrr you can come with me and we can workout afterwards?"

"Nope." He shook his head. "This is something you need to do for yourself. No distractions."

"If I go by myself I may never go inside of that house." Ryan said as she stared at him.

"Atleast try to make an effort to go inside ... even if I do go, you're bringing me home to your mom & your grandmother... you sure we're ready for that?"

Ryan put the pillow over her face. "I hate when you're right."

"I'll facetime you tonight."

She quickly removed the pillow from her face. "Wait .. you're not spending the night again?"

"You should get dressed." He laughed.

"Do not change the subject."

"I'll be out late tonight, by the time I'm ready for bed you'll be asleep and I won't be able to get inside so I'll go to the hotel tonight."


"I'll see you." He walked to her and hovered over her body. She stared at him and he kissed her lips. "Bye."

She watched him leave.

Ryan stood up and started to get ready for her dinner with Ro' and her father's mother.

Ro's House...

Ro' opened the front door and smiled. "Hey honey."

"Hi." Ryan flashed a smile and hugged her mom.

"Come in. Dinner should be ready in about 5 minutes."

"Mhm." Ryan walked inside of the house and faced her grandmother who was walking to the door.

"You're even more beautiful in person." She reached for Ryan's face.

Ryan moved to the side a bit and looked at Ro'.

"Don't be rude Ryan." Ro' said.

"Sorry I just... have a sensitive face." She smiled at her grandmother.

"I understand.. I do too." She nodded. "Oh come sit down I want to talk to you." Ryan's grandma walked to the couch.

Ryan looked at Ro'. Ro' nodded telling Ryan that everything was alright.

Ryan walked and sat beside her grandmother facing her.

"I'm so happy I finally got to see you in person.. I have pictures of you from years ago & you've grown up now and I just–" she reached for Ryan and Ryan looked at her hand and she then pulled her hand away realizing Ryan doesn't want to be touched. "Im sorry."

Do You Mind? The sequel| Keith Powers & Ryan Destiny| Where stories live. Discover now