62. Save me

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3 hrs later....


I banged on Meena's door again. It's been 3 fucking hours since I've heard from Ryan.

"Meena open the damn door." Keith demanded from the outside.

Payton was staring up at Keith. "Is she sleeping?"

Keith checked his phone. "I don't know."

I heard footsteps approach the door. "Keith?" She opened the door. "Hey."

Keith frowned his eyebrows. "The fuck are you doing? I've been banging for 5 minutes."

She made a face."Well I was resting... something you suggested I do." She smiled at Payton. "Hey Pay did you have fun?"

She smiled and Payton hugged her legs. "Yesss."

"I gotta go.. Lock the door and don't open it for anybody until I come back." Keith walked away.

"What? Keith where are you going?" Meena asked. "Whats going on?"

"I gotta find Ryan.." He cleared his throat. "Keenan's folks are back."

Meena face went soft .. she nodded slowly, "Please ..Be safe Keith."

"Lock the doors Meena." Keith said as he walked to his car.

I got in the car and tried to check Ryan's location again, Unavailable.

I tried calling again, voicemail. I remember Ryan mentioning shopping with Jude so I've tried calling her too but still no luck. He scrolled through his contacts and called Luke.

With Ryan & Jude....

Ryan stared out at the floor as Dre talked.

"And thats how I met Keenan." Dre titled his head. "Now do you see why we're here Ryan?"

Ryan stared at out.

"Look at me." Dre moved her face towards him with the gun. Ryan slowly looked at him. "Look at me when Im talking to you."

Ryan didn't say anything.

"Anyways.... your boyfriend killed my boss." Ryan looked away and he moved her face back towards him with his gun. "Don't believe me?" Dre smirked.

Ryan stared at him.

"Say something!" He yelled.

Ryan jumped a bit closing her eyes.

Dre backed up, "What's wrong with her?" He asked Jude & looked at Jude.. "What are you doing?"  He walked over.

Jude tried to hide her phone but it fell on the floor. "shit." She mumbled.

Dre smiled and picked it up. "Look what we have here.. aww poor Luke." He looked at Jude. " 'Need help' ?" Dre read the message. "Want me to send it?"

Jude grew teary eyed. She knew she missed her one chance to call the police but she used it to contact her ex husband.

"I'll send it." Dre nodded and pressed send.. "Let's see if this guy actually cares about you." Dre smiled and saw the bubbles appear. "Uh oh he's replying faster than I thought.... no wait.. he stopped typing." Dre poked his lip at Jude. "Guess he doesn't care about you."

Do You Mind? The sequel| Keith Powers & Ryan Destiny| Where stories live. Discover now