58. Sweet but Sour

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Ryan bit her lip waiting for Keith to answer.

"Wassup Babe." He answered covered in sweat. He looked to the side. "Aye gimme a minute man."

"Aww come on man." Keith's trainer in the background groaned taking a seat.

"Gimme a sec unc." He laughed & sat up. "Why you looking like that?"

Ryan sighed. "Keith what the hell is going on?"

He made a face. "Im working out." He showed the room. "Remember Jeff?"

"Hello Ryan." Jeff waved.

"Hi Jeff." Ryan said bluntly.

"What do you have going on? I thought you were getting your hair done."

"I am I just got a call to turn on TMZ."

He frowned his eyebrows. "Hold up, Jeff turn the channel right quick."

"The game is on." Jeff pointed.

"With all due respect Jeff.. Turn the damn channel." Keith said calmly. Keith knew Ryan only watched that when something shady was going on.

"Yeah okay." He changed the channel and stepped out.

Ryan impatiently waited for Keith to find out whats going on but they were taking forever to find the channel.

"Did you do a fucking video with her?"

Keith looked at Ryan. "With who? I haven't done any videos."

Ryan looked at the TV screen, she wanted to be sure Keith was seeing what she's seeing. "Keith..."

"Ryan." He said back. Ryan watched the video again, "Im serious, it's not me. Turn it off." Keith told Ryan.

Ryan looked at Keith & saw he wasn't bothered. He seems perfectly fine with it all.

Ryan softly rubbed her temples. "So ... what are you gonna do? Your name near hers & it is not a good look."

"You're absolutely right & I'll talk to Walter asap."

"Alright.." Ryan watched the clip on the screen again. She couldn't wait for the official video to drop.

"I gotta go."

"I'll call later."

"I love y—"

Ryan hung up.

Lauren shook her head. "Do you believe him?"

Ryan looked up at Lauren who was being nosey.

"I mean from here... I can see the freckles." Lauren shrugged watching the screen. "The structure."

"Lauren I don't need your two cents right now."

Lauren opened her eyes wide, "Okay well Im sorry but everyone knows their man from head to toe and your acting too damn cool right now."

Ryan sat in the chair and removed the towel from her hair. She ignored what Lauren said and got on twitter. 

2 Minutes Later she locked her phone after being so disturbed by the rumors, she doesn't know what to believe. She knows Keith wouldn't try to hurt her again... atleast thats what he said.

She grew irritated thinking about the constant drama with Keith. First Kourtny & now Vanessa, She knew Vanessa wanted revenge so having Keith in this music video only made sense. But would Keith actually do that?


I knocked twice on the door and the door opened. I pushed it opened completely & heard music.

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