40. Climb ontop of you.

658 28 31

2 Days Later...


I received a couple messages from Jude and Izzy. Only 2 from Luke.

The media heard that my mom is in the hospital so right now, just about the whole world knows. Nobody knows WHY she's there but they just know she's there. Every since I've had 24 hour security outside of her room. Derrick is okay with the security thing.

Right now, Ryan is in the studio. She needed to take her mind off things. From the fight with the girls, the fight with Gaby, also Quincy & seeing Maj? It all is too much for her.

She checked the text from her doctor and saw the message read that she's in the clear to sing again.

She requested to get her results back immediately and they came back great. She screenshotted and sent to Walter.

She was so excited she packed her things up in the studio and left. She drove back to the hospital to tell her mom.

1 hour later.

"And my voice is back." Ryan smiled and looked up at Ro'. Ro' layed in the hospital bed emotionless with her eyes closed. She climbed in the bed with her mom & placed Ro's hand on Ryan's face.

"It's me mom." She said getting emotional. "Im not mad." Ryan said.

Ro' started coughing. Ryan sat up so fast she almost fell out of the bed.

"Mom. Mom!?" Ryan smiled and Ro' looked around.

She remembers having trouble breathing and pain all over her body. She knew why she was in the hospital and she knew... Ryan knew.

"Why aren't you in the Bahamas?" Ro' asked.

Ryan stared at her and then hugged her so tight. "The doctors said you just needed to rest your body."

"Ow." Ro' said. Ryan let go of her and Ro' lifted the blanket and saw a tube coming out of her.

Ryan held back her tears. "It's for when you use the bathroom."

"Mm." Ro' hummed. "I heard you."

"You did?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "Im happy you have your voice but now I need the album." Ro' grinned.

Ryan laughed a bit and said, "already working on it."

Ro' tried to sit up and got frustrated. Ryan helped her lay down. "Relax mom." Ryan said and dialed Derricks number. "I have to call Derrick."

"Call him later.. I want to spend time with my daughter." Ro' smiled. Ryan smiled back and hung up her phone.

That night,

Ryan unlocked her front door and sighed. Her life is becoming stressful and depressing. She has no friends, no boyfriend & has to finish a album by 2 months. This is just like the time Keith went to jail.

Except she was working on STAR & atleast talked to the girls.... somewhat.

Her only focus is to help her mom in whatever way she can anddddd... her album.

Ryan kicked her shoes off by the door. She knew Gaby still wasn't there or if she is she's inside her room.

Ryan went into the kitchen and washed her hands. She started cooking a fast meal.

She cooked, cleaned the kitchen a bit and went to shower.

-The Doorbell Rings-

Ryan made a face and yelled Gaby's name so she can get the door.
She didn't know if Gaby's there or not.

Do You Mind? The sequel| Keith Powers & Ryan Destiny| Where stories live. Discover now