7. New Love.

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Quincy got up to take their plates to the kitchen. Ryan sat back and grabbed her phone. She had a missed call from Luke. She called him back.

"Sup sis."

"Hey you called ? I was sleeping."

"I called to see about the bus situation, am I getting my own bus?"

Ryan laughed. "You should ask Walter about that."

"You're so right but I thought you could call the shots like that."

"Pay for your own bus if he declines your own bus." Ryan suggested. "I don't know how that bus stuff works but I have rehearsals in like 30 minutes and I cannot be late so I'll call you later."

"Have a good rehearsal." Luke hung up.

Quincy walked inside of the room. "You still aren't dressed?"

"Sorry." Ryan laughed and got up. "Maybe we should take seperate cars tho' don't need TMZ rolling up on us again."

"That's true... so should I leave now?" Quincy asked. "I don't need Maxwell on my back again."

"It's up to you." Ryan said as she picked out her clothes and shoes.

"I'll see you there." Quincy grabbed his bag & keys.

"See ya'." Ryan sighed as she looked at her outfit. Quincy left out and closed the door behind him. "This is so plain." Ryan put her clothes back and picked out different clothes.


Keith walked inside the coffee shop and looked around.

"Hey." Ness waved from her seat. He smiled and walked to her.

"Good afternoon." Keith sat down infront of her.

Vanessa wanted to meet with Keith to talk about everything that happened. Keith suggested a public place since he lives with his mom for the moment & Vanessa didn't want to bring him home again just yet.

"Sorry this was last minute... but I feel like I owe you an apology."

He made a face. "For what?"

"Even tho we aren't dating—"

"Yet." He reminded her.

She smiled. "Yet... I should've told you that I had a daughter."

"It's completely fine.. When did you have a good time to bring it up? If you would've said anything about a kid then it wouldve been weird and random." He shrugged. "I don't care that you have a kid... our kids can have play dates." He suggested.


He nodded. "Ofcourse. Im new to this dad thing and I definitely could use your help." He touched her hand.

She rubbed his finger. "I can help with that." She smiled.

"Good." He smiled back.

"I want you to know another thing..."

"What?" He got curious that she was gonna' say she was married or some shit.

"Im not a hoe... I haven't dated in two years or done anything with anyone in a long time."

"So that makes you an hoe?" He asked.

"Having sex the first night I bring you to my place? That makes me feel like a hoe, yes."

"I don't think you're a hoe." Keith stared at her. She smiled a bit and pushed her hair behind her ear. "Can you drop off babygirl to someone tonight?" Keith smirked.

Do You Mind? The sequel| Keith Powers & Ryan Destiny| Where stories live. Discover now