3. Back n' Forth.

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The next day...

Ryan pulled up to Regina's house & texted Gaby that she's outside. About 2 minutes later Gaby came outside & got in the passenger seat. 

"Good Afternoon." Ryan greeted Gaby.

"Afternoon." Gaby fastened her seatbelt and sat back. "Where are we going?"

"Shopping." Ryan pulled off. "We both need a new wardrobe right?"

"Yeah... I need some shorts for the summer."

"Since when do you wear shorts?" Ryan laughed.

Gaby turned up the radio ignoring her question. Ryan shook her head.

Ryan got a phone call from Walter and told Gaby she'd be right back. Gaby nodded and continued looking thru the clothes.

"Online shopping is so much better." Gaby sighed.

"Need some help?" An employee asked Gaby.

"Thanks but Im just looking for shorts."

"I can help you if you'd like." The employee shrugged.

Gaby looked at him & raised her eyebrows. "Okay."

She followed behind him & looked at Ryan who was standing outside of the store covering one ear and the phone to her other ear.


"Did it hurt?" Keith asked Payton.

"No Its a pretty ponytail." She smiled and touched her hair. "Meena is nice."

"Yeah she is." Keith nodded. "Did you tell her thank you for washing & doing your hair?"

"Yes." Payton looked up from her ipad. "Can I have this toy?"

Keith looked over, "yeah where do I buy it?"

"I don't know."

"I just noticed you didn't bring any toys."

"I dont have any." Payton began playing the game on her ipad.

"No toys?" he asked. "do you have some at your grandma's ?" Keith asked as he got up to grab his keys. Payton shook her head. "No? What about at home with mommy?"

Payton shook her head again. "No. Only my ipad."

"Oh.. well let's get you some toys." Keith Put Payton's shoes on.

They drove to the toy store and Keith walked in the store holding Payton in his arms.

He put her down once they got to the barbie aisle.

"Okay. Get whatever you want." Payton looked at all the toys and then looked at Keith. "Go ahead."

Payton shrugged. "I don't know."

"Don't know what?" Keith squatted down to Payton's level. "You can get whatever you think is pretty."

"But which is fun?" Payton stared at the toys.

Do You Mind? The sequel| Keith Powers & Ryan Destiny| Where stories live. Discover now