Daddy's home ##

Comincia dall'inizio

Clarence! No! Oh my god Nicky! Clarence! Baby! Help him hurry!

What was that peety? Safinah pushed up Clarence's chin?

My new wife crying after they battered me cotton.

That dosen't sound like a woman happy to see her husband hurt don't sound like she putting on air's to me does it to you son? No ma'am Mama Fi.

Clarence you knew about me and Chance, I'm sorry I hurt you I never stopped loving you peety never.
You were my all and everything I'd never turn my back on you coach man.

I'm sure she feels the same way sometimes baby it's hard being your Queen you travel often and sometimes you're disconnected mentally and spiritually you hardly let me in. It's okay to let love in Peety.

I'm not making excuses because wrong is wrong  right is right.

When you return be open to listening, understanding and accepting baby that's all I ask do it for our love and for your new love.

Niarchos our son is a good vampire but has alway's had a hole in his heart. Liza couldn't fix it we couldn't fix it no matter how well we treated the boy.

People like me and Sugar, yes I know what you call her Clarence smiled.

We are what they call light bringer's here in heaven.
We have a natural light we born with this light draws people good and bad.

This light makes people embellish and cradle us in love. The light heals folk's inside if they broken it makes em whole Peety. That coupled with her being beautiful and vampire makes her extremely desirable.

Men will fall in love with her instantly the thing is Gabriel won't love all of them back and she won't know they love her or why.
Sugar didn't do one iota to cause the love to flow her way peety.

Alijawan fell for me I never knew why till I come to heaven they explained.

It's alright everything will work out fine Peety she won't leave like your mother or die like I done.

No man can take her from you Peety you are worthy to be loved share her with Niarchos that's your son baby I know items sound's crazy
take another wife.

Why Cotton? I will never love another woman the way I love her why hurt someone that way? Safinah kissed him understanding his feelings. Malcolm smiled I'm telling on you Papa.

They laughed Great Pharoah before you leave  I'll fix you a good dinner cause you both can eat here Clarence.
Brownies! Hehe you want brownies? Lord yes.

Tell me about them babies coach man I'm going to walk you and Malcolm to the border you will cross back and wake for me. Ok Safinah.

Clarence hugged and kissed her entering the house removing her dress ait here Malcolm Clarence closed the door on his son who sat on the porch smiling looking at butterflies, rainbows, soft colored blue sky, rabbit's and the sun.

February 15 1910

I think Clarence know's about Chance. How he knows I am unsure. The fact that he a vampire and constantly developing I never know what skills he has.

I blame myself, should my husband have to use skills to know what is on the heart and mind of his wife? We have grown far apart since Rose died. I am afraid we will never find our way back. For this reason I saw Chance last week one last time and broke it off. Poor Chance unable to love Lily or me forced to love Mary.

He was so upset when I told him I couldn't go on.  Clarence said he left for vegas and won't return for some time.

Vampire Uprising I  (Book 1 In The Complete Series Of 13 Copy writen) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora