Heads will roll

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Chapter 39
Head's will roll

August 1866

Safinah went early to the barn to check one of the horse's who had a foal. She was tired sitting up with her all night. Clarence gave her that horse as a wedding present the horse was her pet.

Clarence left to sleep the sun was rising Safinah sat on a bale of hay when Lily walked in arguing with Caine.

I don't want to be with you Caine I'm in love with Chance I want to build something with him before he find's a wife. It's not going to be long the women in town chatter about the Hollings family and our wealth. The women are going to take him away it's just a matter of time Caine.

I love you Lily I want to be your husband I can care for you I have the same money Chance has.
It's not about the money Caine I don't love you same as I love Chance. This girlfriend lie was to keep eyes of slave owner's and saloon men off me we don't need to hide anymore.

You're never marrying anyone but me Lily you understand that?
I'm never marrying you Caine not even if Chance don't want me I don't want to be married to my brother. I'm speaking with Elijah when he returns.

Safinah heard a slap followed by Lily whimpering get your hand's off me Caine you're choking me. You Will marry me no one else you understand woman!?

Yes Caine he stormed off home
Safinah came out the stall to check on Lily she had a bloody lip and her hair was dishelved. Oh my Safinah I'm so sorry. For what Lil? Safinah took out Clarence's handkerchief wiping her mouth you didn't do nothing wrong Lil.

How much did you hear Fi? All of it I wasn't eaves dropping Lil I just didn't want him to see me and cause trouble for you.

You don't have to stay with him I can speak to Clarence. NO! Fi Clarence will loose it if he find's out Caine's been hitting me.
Been how long Lil? Since we were slave's.

Does Elijah know? No Fi Caine does it when he's not around. I thought that was your man I didn't know y'all kin folk.

Safinah you have to swear not to tell anyone. I don't know Lil that's a big promise I--

Please Fi. I won't tell but I'll write it in my private diary you may need help one day proof you told me this Lil.

Can I at least do that? You ain't gotta worry I hide's my diaries so old jealous Peety don't see what I write.

I know you still learning your letter's Lil so if there be anything you want me to write for you I will. Yes ma'am. Go get yaself cleaned up Lily. Safinah paced breaking a glass milk bottle we ain't leave slavery so our man can beat us she was livid. Safinah headed to her bedroom to write what she witnessed.

-September 2020-

Chance looked good in his robe it was black with plenty of adornments.

Gabriel looked at Clarence's left sleeve the day he married Safinah was on it and the day she died. The day of thier engagement party was newly embroidered.
On the outside biceps of his large arms were his son's names.

Chance was first next to his name an ace of spades card Niarchos a fallen tree. Clarence added Grip added with a gun next to Spotted Eagle's name a soaring eagle.

Clarence showed Grip before he walked in asking Gabriel to take a picture for Spotted Eagle. Pop why did put Tavarus Grip Hollings? What was I supposed to put son?

You could've left off my street name pop. When I met you what did you say your name was son? Grip.

Clarence walked over to Gabriel with a smirk on his face. Why you alway's messin with him? Cause he tried to steal my car Sugar. Actually he did Clarence. I got it back.
I heard.

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