Birth of a Queen

427 44 23

April 1860

Clarence left Safinah happy, the happiest he'd been since he was turned 2 year's ago, he would go to the plantation and watch her through her window. He would watch her laugh with Isabel and Avril, memorize her laugh and it's sound, even the dimples under her eyes that appeared when she laughed the hardest.

He would see her bathe in the barn, how the water glistened off her naked full hips, dark silky smooth sun baked skin and breasts. He had so many chances to leave Georgia but didn't, couldn't, not without his Safinah. This was just the first step. He could track her better now because he tasted her blood. He would know if she were in danger. He still a young strong vampire was there now closer than before if she needed him.

Clarence already purchased clothing of a white man, owned a horse and carriage and was passing himself as white he hated it listening to them chit chatter about nothing made him sick.

He already acquired small house's around Georgia and would buy slave's and write freedom papers for them and give them one of the homes he purchased or built on his land. He became rich overnight buying and selling some properties while giving away property that was to the whites considered undesirable or located too far away from town. He would make sure it was not to deep in the woods as not to run into slave catcher's but close enough to a town where people knew they were there and he could get to them in times of trouble. He would buy acres of land and have 30 houses built nothing fancy just good enough for families and freed slaves to live decent. The former slaves knew what he was a black man, a run away slave passing and most of all vampire.

They would protect him by day he would protect them by night. To the outside world he was a plantation slave owner and they were all his slaves.

It would appear to be his sugar plantation but it was not. People there knew about sugar cane and various other trades such as tobacco, pig farming, cattle, stone carving, chickens, and even engineering. It was thier own fields thier own profit he was just a front man who sold the inventory, sending his "slaves" to do his business like whites often did selling and trading on his behalf to get top dollar. The oppressors not knowing he saw no profit in anything they would sell.

The freed slaves would give him 50% of their earnings to buy and free more slave's their children and family if they were up for auction. This money also went toward the purchase of the house and land they were on. Clarence often bought children who were alone or a mother and child combo, if he could buy a family he would do that too. He would buy pregnant women, old women and men young black women and young black men and anyone who looked needing to be free.

With all this he could not try and buy Safinah he could not show his face to his former owner's. How he pondered.

The buzz around Twin Oaks was huge Missy Clara's engagement party came as promised.

Isabel and Avril was speaking to the slaves about the party before it began Ms. Minnie make the place look real special a December engagement party would be good she say all the house slave's and the coachman got new dry goods.

No one is to wear anything tattered or worn I do not want the guest's to see the house slaves looking so bad she said.

Isabel how does I look? Missy Clara gimme one of her go to town dresses from 3 years ago. She say that color look pretty on me a dark blue and her dress maid as she call her Tara now 12 yrs old had on a dress from when Missy Clara was 12 herself.

She treats Tara like a doll baby. She don't want no one mess with that gal. Ms. Minnie even say leave her alone please her daddy give her Tara as a gift for her 12th birthday. She had her since she was 3 years old.

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