Chapter 53

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A/N: Happy new years!!! It's finally 2015! The whole year of 2014 has been nothing important to say because I did nothing achieving.

Oh well.. Here, enjoy!


"Ariana, I heard you gotten into a bit of a car accident a few days ago. I see you've fully healed better. You look amazing and it doesn't look like you've gotten into an accident at all! But what exactly happened?" The interviewer asks.

"Haha thank you! Oh, it was a careless mistake and clearly my fault. Didn't see the red light so I crashed into another man's car. I already paid for his damages, and I really do wish him better." I smile. This past week had been hell for me. I keep getting headaches and my body was sore. And getting lectures from my mom made it even worse.

"Oh we all do. And we wish you to get better too!" she smiles and rests her hand on my knee. "And because of the accident, you had to delay on your next upcoming album, am I right?"

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling myself. I was sore the entire week and my head was pounding. There was no way I could have recorded for my next album."

"When is it coming out?" She digs for details.

"On August 22nd. No later than that," I laugh. "I'm really excited for this album to come out."

"All of us are as well!"

"This album is really going to be a turning point of my life because it's really different than the old songs." I explain and nod at the same time.

"What's your favorite song out of it all?" She asks.

"Well we still have more songs to write and produce, so I don't know yet. But by far, Problem." I name.

"Yeah of course, Problem! That single was just released a few days ago and it has already topped the charts. Wow, isn't that amazing?" She chuckles and crosses her leg over the other.

"Definitely. My fans are the greatest people of all. They always make sure to surprise me and make me happy. Even through everything." I say.

"Of course. That's what fans are for," we both laugh. "Well, what were the fans reaction when you started hanging out with the boyband, One Direction?" She had mention this and I expected this to happen any second.

"Well.. They were crazy about it actually, in a good way! And I'm really glad." I nod.

"And what's with you, Harry, Niall and the girl Jenna?" She mentions Jenna and I cringe.

"What do you mean?" I know exactly what she means.

"You roomed with the lads and there was rumors of you sharing a room with Harry then moved to Niall's room. Then, sharing a bed with Niall, having one date with Niall, then there was your birthday party at your house and Niall and Louis stormed out quite quick. Jenna is not with Harry anymore, and she has been rumored to stalk you? That's crazy. And Harry spending the night over your house. What's up with that? Can you help us clear things up?" Wow, they know everything huh.

"Oh my.. No no no no!" I laugh into the microphone and flip my hair back. "This might make out towards me as a slut or a whore. But trust me, it's nothing like that." I quickly shake my head before they all think the wrong way.

"No, we're not saying that!" She laughs.

"Oh okay. Good. Well, yes. I did share a room Harry. I wanted to help him with the situation of Jenna being kidnapped. But things got out of hand and I decided to move to Niall's room since Liam volunteered to stay in Harry's room. I still wanted to help Harry, but it wasn't safe for me to stay in the same room as him-"

Midnight Avenue //unedited//Where stories live. Discover now