Chapter 86

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A/N: I am at Starbucks right now writing this chapter and I'm not ashamed. I am sick and tired but oh well, it's the weekend so I'm gonna update.


"Hey, are you feeling okay?" I ask Harry when he wakes up. I know he'll be hungover from yesterday so I don't want to start a fight with him.

"Um, not really, my head is pounding." He groans and shuts his eyes. "Are you still mad at me?"

"Yes, but I'll let it go this time." I tell him. "Here drink this, my mom made it. It helped me when I was hungover." I grab the glass and Harry takes it to drink. He gulps down the whole glass and I place it back on the night stand.

"Thanks." His eyes are still closed and he doesn't move.

"So you're leaving tomorrow." I sigh, he opens his eyes and frowns.

"It's okay Ari, we can work out long distance right?" He asks me and I nod. I love how he's so optimistic about our relationship.

"Right." I press my lips together and smile at him. "Well did you pack your stuff already or are you waiting until last minute?" I laugh.

"I packed half of my stuff, not done though." He shuts his eyes again.

"Well you rest, I'll head downstairs and wash your glass and talk to my mom." I tell him and I grab the empty glass and head downstairs. I washed the glass and put it back into the cabinet. My mom is baking some cookies for later.

"So how is he feeling?" She asks me, pulling the tray of finished cookies out of the oven.

"His head hurts, I told him to rest a while longer." I say and reach to grab a cookie.

"Careful, it's hot. I just got it out." She warns me. I wait until the cookies are cooled off. "You know I'm glad you decided not to continue with the vegan thing anymore. It was kinda tough on feeding you since you don't eat animal products."

"Well, now I do." I smile at her. "Just not a lot."  I finally grab a cookie when it's cooled off and take a bite.

"Hey mom, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah honey?" She takes a bite out of her cookie.

"I'm planning on moving out." I bit my lips, worried about her answer and reaction to it. She possibly is gonna blow up and scream at me the responsibilities of living alone, but I'm not alone. I'll be with Harry.

"Moving out? What for?" She frowns.

"Harry asked me to move in with him. He already has a house in London, and we're gonna purchase a house in L.A too." I inform her. It worries me that she is staying quiet.

"I was hoping this day won't ever arrive." She starts crying.

"Aw mom! I'll always be here, just not living here." I hug her and kiss her head.

"Moving out is a big step. And moving in with someone is even a huger step. Are you sure you are ready for this?" She asks me.

"Yes. Yes I totally am," I quickly answer. "I love him, I want to spend the rest of my life with him, crazy or not." I chuckle.

"I just wish your Grandpa is here to congratulate you on your big decision to move out. I know he is very proud of you honey." Tears fall down her eyes and mine just thinking about Grandpa. "I miss him,"

"Me too," I say sadly and we just embrace each other. After a while of mourning Grandpa, we finally try to stop. "Okay, so it's totally fine with you that I'm moving out?"

Midnight Avenue //unedited//Where stories live. Discover now