Chapter 58

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"Zayn.." I call him. He's still asleep and I know he'll be pissed if I woke him up this early.


He bolts up, and stares at me. "What?" He yells.

"I can't sleep." I complain. He stares at me like he's burning my soul or something.

"Not my fucking problem." He growls. He's grumpy cause it's 3 in the morning.

"Zayn, my heart is aching."

He sighs and gets up to sit next to me. "Mate, you're heart broken, I know. But why are you so stuck on Ariana? You didn't even treat her like she should be treated. It didn't even feel like you two were dating. No offense."

"Yeah, that helps a lot." I roll my eyes. "But we were dating. And I, I let her slip through too many times."

"You bet." He scoffs. "Okay, maybe you just need to date someone else."

"I can't. I can't do that."

"And why is that?" He asks. "Nadine is crushing on you, and she's a pretty girl. Smart and funny one."

"Yeah whatever. Nadine means nothing more to me than only a friend." I make it clear. "I didn't even want to kiss her! She made the move! But Ariana doesn't care, she's too stubborn and she only cares that we kissed." I start to grow angry.

"Okay... So, do something."

"No shit. What am I gonna do? Go to her front door and ask her to take me back while she's dating fucking Sean?" I ask sarcastically.


"What?" I look at him. "Really?" I laugh at him.

"Yeah, I'm not joking. If you really want her, you have to show her every bit of your care. Every single bit." He tells me.

"And how am I supposed to do that when she won't even look at me?"

"Write a song for her." He simply says.

"What? A song?"

"Yes a song! You're perfect at writing songs. Look at the successful songs you wrote for us to sing! She's still working on her album, maybe you can 'casually' drop by and suggest writing a song for her!" He tells me an option that I might actually go for.

"But the thing is. Ariana is gonna say no." I run my fingers through my hair.

"Then don't let her know. Go to the recording studio and say you're just dropping by. Then you walk into Ariana's recording room and you'll see some people. Probably producers and writers. Then you can suggest writing a song for her and don't let her see you. After you're done writing the song, give it to the producers and leave. Simple." Zayn's a fucking genius. But..

"Simple? That's so complicated. How am I gonna go in and not let her see me?"

"Goddamn, you have to find every single flaw. I'm trying to help you, and here you are asking me questions you should answer yourself." He goes back to being grumpy.

"Okay okay.. Thank you." I say. "I really appreciate the fact that you took 10 minutes of your sleep to help me get my life back together." I say.

"You better thank me." He says and plots back onto his bed.

What song am I supposed to write? A love song? No, too cheesy. Even coming from me. I grab my phone from the night stand and did some research for the information I needed.

Ariana's POV

"Damn girl, you're still a virgin. What the fuck?" That was Sean's reaction when I told him I was still a virgin.

Midnight Avenue //unedited//Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz